ARWB – Abundance of Encouragement

The theme this month here at ARWB is abundance. As I sat down and thought about what I wanted to share with all of you this month, the phrase abundance of encouragement kept coming to mind when I thought about the group at ARWB. 


Blogging and this media world is hard. For me, it’s a constant struggle of time management and questioning myself on if my efforts are worth it. I take the time I have in a day seriously and I want to manage it well and not waste any of it on efforts that aren’t worth it. I have a deep desire to blog and would secretly (Shh… that’s a secret) like to get my podcast up and running. But when it comes to getting it all together, finding the time is a struggle. The desire and willingness to work is there, but I don’t have the time or the childcare to be able to carve out specific time to work on some of my big blogging/podcasting goals in this season of my life because of some other commitments I already have on my plate. So blogging or social media has to be done late at night or early in the morning. I sometimes question myself when I get overwhelmed— Is it worth it?

Does what I say matter?

Does what I say encourage anyone?

Is blogging a good use of my time?

Is starting my podcast a good use of time?

Will anyone listen?

Could what I say help someone?

How will all of this benefit my family? What will it cost them?

These are things that run through my head when I get overwhelmed and think about quitting. 

But then, someone from ARWB always seems to send some encouragement my way. It’s not about the blog or web here at ARWB. It’s about the community that has been built with the purpose of encouraging one another in our adventures, whatever they may be. The friendships I’ve made through blogging are not online surface friendships, but real life face to face friendships that I fall back on and receive an abundance of encouragement from.

arwb friends


The community at ARWB is a huge factor that keeps me blogging.  

The encouragement found in this group is like none other. It is a treasure that I do not take lightly. I’m thankful for the transparency, honesty, and support that is so openly given.

Thank You ARWB for being awesome and encouraging me to just BLOG ON. 

How does ARWB encourage you?

As a side note- Thank You to everyone for the outpour of encouragement and support on The Women Bloggers store. Your encouragement and kind words are a gift! 

 What would you LOVE to see on a t-shirt? 


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