#ARWB Recap: Coping With the Anxiety of Blogging

By Dr. Margaret Rutherford


Photo Source:  Google Images

Being a blogger in general is just anxiety provoking. You are doing something that most people would never do in a million years. Reveal things and then be evaluated over the Internet? To just anyone who might be reading?

You have got to be kidding.

There are different levels of anxiety of bloggers have.

1) The BEHAVIORAL Level: Disorganization and Feeling Overwhelmed
2) The SELF-CONCEPTUAL Level: Having Doubt About Yourself and Feeling Isolated
3) The LIFE STRATEGY Level: Indecisiveness and Waffling

All of this was beginning to sound very psychological so we broke it down. Real things you can do to help keep the stress and anxiety of blogging to a minimum. Especially if you are a new blogger. Or a blogger that is kinda stuck in a rut and is getting anxious about it.

First we looked at BEHAVIORS TO BUILD IN.

1) Write on a schedule so you don’t procrastinate. A huge source of anxiety.
2) Learn the technicalities of your blog so you can fix problems when they occur.
3) Get an editor! Which can help with the loneliness of blogging. Another big source of anxiety. And get someone who will be honest with you. So you will get better.
4) Network. Support other bloggers.

Above all : Keep you in your plan so it will work.

What I mean by that is – if you are trying to get back on track by doing something that you “hear” works for someone else, but just isn’t you? It’s not going to work. Stick to your plan. Your track. Use your editor to help you with fresh ideas. If you are shy, don’t play to go a conference by yourself. Take a friend. Accept who and where you are. It’s okay!

The second big area we looked at was SELF-CONCEPT.

1) Trust in the power of your voice.

If you are always putting yourself down, or even sometimes doing it, please challenge that. We are all insecure. All of us. But your voice can be strong. You can find it. It is unique.

We all talked about this in the session. How we came or were coming to trust our own voices.

2) Dare to not compare. Just step into the light that is yours.

Comparison with others is just not helpful. We all have to realize that we are all on a spectrum. There is always going to be someone who we can find that we feel has more going for her than us. And And believe it or not. There is someone who is looking at you. And wanting to be you. I promise you that’s true.

Then the third part.


These are caused more due to not knowing the answers to questions about where you are going with your website or blog. What you want from it. What your goals are for it. You might be indecisive about advertising or whether or not you wanted to be featured on certain websites. Because you are not sure of where your own parameters are. Of who you are. Of what you stand for.

If you are clear about what you are creating, the reader will be clear as well. And seek you out.

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Dr. Margaret Rutherford is a clinical psychologist who has been in private practice for over 20 years in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She began blogging in 2012, coining the term “NestAche” for her empty nest experience. She launched Dr.MargaretRutherford.com in April of 2014 and now can be found on the Huffington Post, MidlifeBoulevard, BetterAfter50, Boomeon, and here at Arkansas Women Bloggers!

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