Giving Time

by Jeanetta Darley


Which is more difficult? Giving away your money or giving away your time?

Honestly, I know for me it is very easy to just write a check or drop a few bills a bucket.  It’s easy to empty my loose change purse and feel good that maybe somehow I fell into that “gave all she had” category.  Well, at that time maybe.  Money is tangible.  It can be held and counted (whether is large or small amounts).

But my time in a way seems more precious.  Something I should guard closely.  It’s the one thing we cannot create more of.  There will always only be so many seconds, minutes, hours, days, and so on that we have.  And even that number is unknown.  Why would we willing give away an unrenewable resource?  But often it’s the human connection that makes a bigger impact on the recipient as well as the giver. 

“You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. “

On Giving by Kahlil Gibran

If we are to truly embrace this season of giving, it seems we need to go further than the hollow sound coins make when they hit the inside of the bell ringer’s plastic red bucket.  Maybe we need to be the one ringing the bell.

You can give of your time is simple ways.  The act of listening, or reading, or walking with someone during a difficult time is a great example.  You can cook a meal for someone one you know or help feed those in need that you may not know.  Showing up is the first step.

We all know we have those moments when we feel we should do more.  And we let the guilt eat at us when we can’t seem to “take the time”.  Quit trying to take time.  Try giving it.

Artist Jeanetta DarleyJeanetta is an artist, blogger, and sometimes homesteader.  She’s addicted to coffee, her garden, and chickens. You can see her art and read more stories at  Or follow her on social media @jeanettadarley


  1. Donna blair says:

    Seems like there are so many needs right now- many are just listening ones. I have to resist he push to figure the problem out and fix it. But, I really think they aren’t asking for a fix, just someone to really listen, care and perhaps offer a shoulder to lean on or a good old hug.

    It does take longer than writing a check or digging in my purse though.

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