How to Start Tomatoes from Seed

by Brenda Embry

I think the best part of summer is harvesting the first tomato.

Anticipation builds as the tomatoes go from green to pink to full-blown red.  It’s a game of patience as we wait for just the right moment to pluck it from the vine and take a bite.

Then, as the warm tomato juice dribbles down our chin, we get this overwhelming feeling that all is right in the world.  The heat, humidity, and bugs are suddenly forgotten as we savor the distinct flavor of a vine-ripened, fresh from the garden tomato.  To say it’s a special moment in the garden is really an understatement.

To achieve this nirvana though, you must first start with a tomato plant.  Soon, the box stores and nurseries will be bombarded with several varieties to choose from.  But, if you want to grow your own and try different varieties (and there are hundreds), starting tomatoes from seed is super easy and very rewarding.