My Lucky List {Lucky}

by Rhonda Franz


Synonyms of the word “lucky” and its definitions suggest a meaning far more beautiful than a simple happenstance. Opportune. Timely. Fortunate. Providential. 


Simple pleasures are my thing: a found piece of that chubby pink bubblegum behind my children’s candy stash, warm tortilla chips with restaurant-style salsa, a long lost (and then found) pair of jeans at the bottom of my messy closet that still fit. The littlest bit of luck makes my day.


I believe in faith and in God’s providence. I also like the random and routine occurrences that help me to appreciate a little luck—or fortune or opportunity—in the everyday as well.




My current lucky list:


• A rural life with room for my boys to roam and yell and run wild.
• A city upbringing, so I’m not afraid of the rough neighborhoods.
• Fabulous finds in the bargain section of the bookstore.
• Indoor plumbing (as if I’ve ever been without it).
• Turns out, I have two copies of that favorite book someone wants to borrow.
• The sun, because…snow days.
• All three of my children said, “Yes, ma’am,” and didn’t argue.
• Dirty laundry, because it means my family has clothes.
• Crumbs on the floor, because it means children are eating well.


Some days, I have to look hard for the list to find it through sadness and stress and crummy circumstances. On those days, I’m craning my neck and gritting my teeth and trying hard to see the fortune in the good, the not so good, the frustrating, and the overwhelming. 


Sometimes it’s referred to as gratitude. Other times people say look for the positive in each situation rather than focusing on the negative


When days are long and life is rough, try catching scraps of luck scattered throughout your day.


What do you see on your lucky list?


Rhonda Franz is an educator, home operations specialist, and mom of three rowdy boys. You can find her sweeping up crumbs and doing laundry in her Northwest Arkansas home. She can also be found on,, and @rhondafranz on Twitter.

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