Setting Attainable Goals {New Year, New You}

Setting Attainable Goals
Written by Julie of Eggs and Herbs

As January comes to a close some of you may have already left those New Year’s Resolutions in the dust.  Many times the problem with the resolutions we make are that we create a goal that is too unattainable in the short term.  We set BIG goals for ourselves and when we have SMALL setbacks we give up.  While some people may be able to set a goal they know will take months or possibly even years to accomplish and plug along without thinking twice; most of us need short-term attainable goals.

Today I want to to revisit those resolutions or intentions you’ve set for yourself and then try to break them down into more attainable bits.

Here is my BIG goal for 2012: Lose 30 or more pounds.

Is this goal possible? Absolutely!
Will I reach it in a month or two? Not likely.
Will I have setbacks? Probably.

So how can I make my goal to lose 30 or more pounds more attainable?  For me what works is setting SMALL goals that will eventually lead to a better/healthier lifestyle and I include a reward when I reach that goal.

Here are my SMALL attainable goals:

Goal 1: Drink AT LEAST a liter of water every day and avoid soda.
Reward: At the end of the week (if I have reached my short term goal) I allow myself to have one glass of Soda as a treat.  If I have not – I skip the reward soda.

Goal 2: Work out at least 3 times a week.
Reward: Each time I work out using a prescribed plan I pay myself $2.50.  If I maintain my workout plan I should have saved enough money for a one hour massage at my favorite spa at the end of February.  If I haven’t reached my goal – no massage!

I believe that by making these small changes I can eventually lose the 30 pounds I wish to rid myself of while at the same time changing my life to allow me to keep those 30 pounds OUT of my future life!

As this month comes to a close, don’t disregard the resolutions you were not able to keep.  Instead, reevaluate them and set new, smaller, more attainable goals for yourself.

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