3 SEO Tips Bloggers Need to Improve Pageviews | Jennifer Maune

by Jennifer Maune of Maune Legacy

Have you also heard about how important SEO is for your blog, but don’t know where to start? Have your pageviews hit a plateau? Are you looking for the latest SEO tips to help out? Then read on!

“I just googled….” , “You don’t know this, then Google it!” – the word “Google” has become a part of our day-to-day life; there are over 3.5 BILLION searches on Google every single day. Imagine if you were to get just 1% of this searches landing on your blog. Sounds dreamy, right?

Well, friends, have I got a treat for you! The acclaimed SEO Consultant , ClemSEO, is sharing the 3 SEO tips you need to know to get you started with your own SEO. In this post, you will find the tools you need as well as the questions to ask yourself to help you set up your strategy and improve your pageviews. Let’s start, shall we?