Some of you are planners. You want to know exactly which sessions to attend at the upcoming #AWBU conference. So, here’s a sneak peek into what is happening next weekend. It’s going to be a wonderful time full of learning, community building, and fun.
Arkansas Women Bloggers University 2015
#FoodieFriday, August 28, 2015
Presented By:
11:30 Registration and Gathering, The Arlington Conference Center
12:00 Foodie Friday: Welcome
12:15 Keynote Speaker: Georgia Pellegrini
Chef, Author, Adventure Expert, TV Personality ~ @gpellegrini
Topic: Branding Yourself
1:15 Jana Hunter ~ 10 Ways to Ruin Your Party
2:00 Women in Agriculture Panel
2:30 Chef Matthew Bell ~ @chefmabellz ~ South on Main, Little Rock
From Our Field. To The Kitchen. For Your Table.
3:15 Break
3:30 Creative Food Photography
Branding Yourself with Gorgeously Designed Food Photos (Interactive)
5:00 Announcements and Dismissal
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Registration – The Arlington Hotel Mezzanine
6:00 p.m. Full Conference Kick-off and Evening of Fun-
Crystal Ballroom – Derby Hat Night
Lela Davidson, Work/Life Balance and Fun
7:30 a.m. Breakfast – Conference Room C
8:30 a.m. Conference Welcome & Kick-Off, Y’all – Conference Room C
Stephanie Buckley, The Women Bloggers/ARWB Founder
8:45 a.m. Keynote Speaker Presentation – Rhea Lana Riner
10:00 -10:45 Workshop Session 1:
- Conference B: How to Handle Your Legal Issues in Blogging – Meredith Lowry
- Conference A: Your Facebook Fans Don’t Matter- Ramona Collins
- Hickory Room: How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired – Suzy Taylor Oakley
11:00 -11:45 Workshop Session 2
- Conference B: Blogging as a Launching Pad to Social Media Work – Fawn Rechkemmer
- Conference A: Blogs and Photography – Nick Smith
- Hickory Room: Creating a Writing Sanctuary – Julie Kohl
Noon – 1:15 Lunch, sponsored by Riceland. Um, yum. Plus, a huge fun thing! Please be in your seats by 12:00
1:30 – 2:15 Workshop Session 3
Conference C: Get Hired by ARWB – Panel with Farm Bureau’s Taste Arkansas, First Security Bank’s OnlyinArk, Riceland, Ghidotti Communications, Petit Jean Meats and Stephanie Buckley
2:30 – 3:15 Workshop Session 4
- Conference B: Podcasting – Taylor Bradford
- Conference A: WordPress Visual Design and You – Nick Smith
- Hickory Room: Professional Writing – Angie Albright
3:15 – 3:30 Afternoon break
3:30 – 4:15 p.m. Workshop Session 5
- Conference B: Email Marketing – Laurie Marshall
- Conference A: Evernote – Beth Stephens
- Hickory Room: Yes, You are a Writer – Mari Farthing
4:30– 5:30 p.m. Feed the Funnel—The Pack Shack- Magnolia Room
We will host a one hour Feed the Funnel party. Meals packed at Feed the Funnel parties are donated free of charge to local organizations, such as food banks and food pantries, for distribution to people and organizations in their area. Our blog/social media community giving back to the community that gives so much to us.
6:30 p.m. Dine around Hot Springs
Rest up, freshen up. We’re heading out on the town! Walkable dinner options all around the hotel. Grab some friends, old and new, and grab some food in historic Hot Springs.
Join us in the Hospitality Room (Al Capone Suite) for snacks, games, and a lot of laughs. Thank you Petit Jean Meats, Mountain Valley Spring Water, Central Arkansas McDonalds
6:00 a.m. Rise, Shine, and Run! Morning run with Ashley Ederington, Maniac Mom
Zumba with Brittney Lee of Conference Center
Breakfast on your own. There will be plenty of snacks in the Hospitality Room, Pancake House across street, buffet in lobby.
8:30 – 9:45 Alliance Rubber Company –
Creativity and Fun. Made in the USA.
10:00 – 10:45 Workshop Session 7
- Conference B: 45 Ideas in 45 Minutes – Allyson Twiggs Dyer & Rhonda Franz
- Conference A: Advanced Photography – Heather Disarro
- Hickory Room: Letting Go of Blog Envy – Stephanie Clinton
11:00 – 11:45 Workshop Session 8
- Conference B: SEO/Google Analytics – Elizabeth Michael
- Conference A: Periscope – Jeanetta Darley & Kellee Mayfield
- Hickory Room: Writing for the Web – Karen Jordan
11:45 – 12:00 Conference Wrap-up
12:00 – 12:30 Check out/conference ends. Happy Trails, and Happy Blogging. Tweeting, Instagramming… you get my point!
I can’t wait! Thanks tor sharing the schedule
Yay! Look at all those fabulous sessions.
Wow! Can’t wait.
Woo hoo!! Can’t wait!