Instagram Pods | Ricci Ellis

by Ricci Ellis

If you aren’t a blogger or social media influencer then you will probably have zero interest in this post. HA! But really though…today am going to talk about Instagram Pods and what I really think about them. This all stemmed from an article that was on BuzzFeed a couple of weeks ago titled “Facebook Removes 10 Instagram Algorithm-Gaming Groups with Hundreds of Thousands of Members”.

I remember seeing the article and skipping over it because I didn’t know what “algorithm-gaming groups” were but when I started seeing it popping up in all of my blogging facebook groups I knew I had to check it out. That’s when I discovered that it was all about Instagram Pods, Facebook groups that were all about them and that BuzzFeed had somehow infiltrated them and gotten them shut down. Bad move BuzzFeed. I mean, why? What did those groups really do to you?

If you are confused as to what these groups did and why they got shut down let me explain.