Saturday morning in Argenta {Wordless Wednesday}

By Stacey Valley of An Awesome and Amazing Life





rsz_staceyvalley My name is Stacey Valley. I’m a wife, mother, and public health professional with a horrible sweet tooth. My life is quite beautifully ordinary and at the same time more than I could have ever imagined. I blog to express my feelings, share photos and recipes, and occasionally rant about health issues or the craziness of juggling motherhood, marriage, and making a living. My life’s motto is “Live big. Love deep.”


    • Yes, Carmella — that’s Mugs in the 3rd photo, and the new Dogtown Farmer’s Market in the 4th photo. I LOVE Mugs — always run into a friend (or several). It’s a North Little Rock hangout, for sure.

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