One Small Act of Kindness for the School Year {Back to School}

Written by Amanda Farris of Embracing Grace

Back to school time is a change of pace for all students, moms, dads, and teachers. Whether you home school, send your kids to public school, work full time, work part time, or are a teacher yourself, back to school time means change. We change our routines, schedules, activities, etc…

Some of the change is Boo Hoo and some of the change is Woo Hoo but regardless a change.

I used to be a public school teacher/coach before being promoted to full time mom to my 3 little kiddos. So back to school is emotional for me as well. I’m so blessed and thankful to stay at home and be the one to take care of my kids. But back to school time always brings up the emotions of preparing for a basketball season, decorating a classroom, and meeting all my students/players- which I love to do as well. My husband is still in the education profession which makes the change even more difficult with saying goodbye to summer and helping him with his classroom (and not doing my own).

Then you have

  • the mamas who are sending their first baby off to kindergarten.
  • the mamas sending their last baby to kindergarten.
  • the moms who want to stay at home and be ready with an after school snack for their kids, but have to work until 5 or 6 to provide for the family.
  • the moms who used to be teachers but gave up the classroom to be the full time mom.
  • the moms who home school and are establishing a whole new routine.
  • the moms who are teachers.
  • the teachers who are adjusting to new schedule.


Point is- This is a season for change for most of us. And change is hard. It’s hard to adjust to new routine and schedule. It takes a while before we are all settled in and ready to glide through the year with poise and grace.

So what do we do about it?

We choose to have Joy. We choose to be kind. We choose to be thoughtful and mindful of our friends, teachers, kids, and family who are adjusting to a new rhythm.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m adjusting to a new rhythm of life some of the normal things like cooking and cleaning get off schedule. And we all know that when routine and schedule gets knocked around life can be a little more stressful.

Let’s make a deal ok?

Let’s all do 1 act of kindness for someone we know that is adjusting to the new school year.

Do you have a friend who is a teacher/mom? Make her dinner one night this week and deliver it to her. (I promise she will be thrilled!) It’s hard setting up the new school routine with your students as well as your family at home.

Do you have a teacher friend with a whole new classroom? Grab her some good chocolate and attach a note reminding her to take a break and enjoy some chocolate.

Do you have a friend who just sent their last baby to kindergarten? This can either be a (boo hoo) or a (woo hoo) depending on the mom. Pick up a $5 Chik-Fil-A card and treat that mom to a milk shake. (I just said Chik-Fil-A because they are my favorite) Have you had their new shake of the month?

Do you have a friend who just sent their first baby to kindergarten? Pick up a funny mom card and tell her what a great mom she is.

Do you have a mom friend that has to work late in the afternoons? Send Pizza to her house one night to help her out.

Do you have a homeschooling mama friend? Pick up a pack of cute colorful pens to give her and handwrite her a card telling her how valuable she is to take on the role of teacher and CEO of her household.

No matter what season of life you are in. Change happens when the school year starts. Change always means adjustments are being made in your life. Let’s support each other in this season by doing 1 small act of kindness. It’ll be fun!

What act of kindness are you going to do?

Is the start of the new school year (boo hoo) or (woo hoo) for you?

Let’s Go Girls. We got this.

Amanda Farris Embracing GraceAmanda Farris is a wife to her super hero hunk of a husband and a mother to 3 little kiddos. Amanda is a teacher/coach who hung up her coaching whistle after she got promoted to motherhood. She is a runner who loves all things sports and outdoors. She loves early morning traveling, long coffee chats with her husband, and fresh flowers on her table. She is an adventurer at heart and has a great talent of unintentionally becoming over-busy (that’s a bad thing). So she is constantly reevaluating her life priorities which keeps her on her toes and helps her to live life passionately and deliberately. You can find her occasionally blogging at Come Join the Adventure.