Being a More Generous Person

By Renee Birchfield

What people generally think of when they think about giving or being generous is money. I always did too, but there are many other ways. Today I am going to share with you other ways you can be generous. 

Be Generous with your Time

Time is such a precious thing and we all seem to be so busy that there just isn’t enough time. Giving someone a bit of your time, even if it is just a lunch to chat, could mean the world to them.  You will never get more hours in a day so make them count, especially with the ones you love. Here are a few ideas on how to give your time. 

  • Volunteer – take an evening or a day on the weekend and volunteer with a group you support, or something you are passionate about.
  • Have Fun- spend time with your kids having fun. Take them to the park, read an extra bedtime story. If there is something that can wait until tomorrow take some extra time and give it to your kiddos. Same for your husband go on a special date to show that you want to give him your time.
  • Take a break- at work take a break from the crazy schedule and go to lunch or coffee with coworkers and catch up on each other’s life.

Be Generous with your Words

Talking, something you do every day. Take a second and use those words to give to someone. Actions may speak louder than words but kind words are always appreciated. 

  • Share appreciation- Say thank you, share with a friend that you appreciate how she always listens to your problems. 
  • Encourage- as a blogger I enjoy commenting on others blogs because I know that it is encouraging to me when I get comments, it’s nice to know someone other than Mom is reading. Be on the lookout for someone who needs some up lifting words, sometimes a “You got this.” or “You’re doing great.”, is all they need to hear.
  • Advice- Be willing to listen to someone’s problems or situations and offer them advice. 

Be Generous with your Service

This is similar to giving your time which you will also be doing, but give them your service.  It is always nice to have some extra help even if you don’t want to ask for it. Be the one to offer before being asked.

  • Yard work- does your neighbor house sit for you while you’re out of town? Do you know an elderly person that can’t do it all on their own? Give yourself to them for a few hours and help them with yard work.
  • Run Errands- do you know someone who is always running and doesn’t have time for it all. Give them a break offer to run by the store, or grab their dry cleaning. Give up a few minutes of your time to free them up to do something that they want to do.
  • Babysit- we all have one, that friend that spends all her time with the kids and catering to them, never getting a second to herself. Offer to watch the kids even if it is just for an hour, she may just take a nap, but she will appreciate it so much!

Generosity is giving of something above and beyond what is expected or necessary, it does not have to cost you a dime. Just take the time to figure out another way for you to give to those you feel need it. By giving someone a bit of your time, some kind words, or a selfless act you could bless them in ways you didn’t even think of.

How are you generous to others? 

Renee BirchfieldRenee discusses her favorite parts of life over at Married and Hungry. Upon getting married and finding very few tips online on being a new wife she decided that she would share her journey. Being a self-proclaimed food nerd she shares her favorite recipes as well. Also trying to become craftier she even shares her Pinterest craft trials. You can keep up with her at @marriedanhungry over on Twitter and Married and Hungry’s Facebook page


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