Brrrr. Arkansas has been in a real deep freeze so far this new year. I can’t think of a better way to chase away that chill during National Soup Month than with a brimming bowlful of warm and hearty soup. Our ARWB members have a variety of them for you to choose from this week. Be sure to pay them a visit and let them know how much you appreciate their willingness to share these savory ideas with you.
Rachel Hough: Best Damn Soup Evah
Enter….the best damn soup evah! What makes this soup so great? Well, it’s wonderful on it’s own as it’s a just a homemade vegetable beef soup, but what makes it even bettah’ is that every ingredient in the soup was either grown and harvested by me, or killed/butchered by us. I know where EVERY. SINGLE. INGREDIENT. comes from and since I’ve either frozen or canned all the ingredients, it’s super easy to make. READ MORE
Renee Birchfield: Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
I love summer so much, but it has a lack of some foods that I love. Soups, stews and chilis are some that I miss the most in those hot months. Thankfully it is just about the right temperature to eat them again. Fall started last week so even though it’s a bit warm still I am jumping in with decorations and this Roasted Butternut Squash Soup.
Last year I went to a little dinner party that we dubbed Dinner with the Doc, I wrote about it here, we had this amazing soup and finally I got around to making it. I’m so glad this is what I get to have for lunch this week and don’t have to share. READ MORE
Amy Gramlich: Stovetop Sausage and Cheese Tortellini Soup
As my husband says, you can’t go wrong with cheese tortellini. Earlier this week, I couldn’t decide which of the sausage and cheese tortellini soup recipes on Pinterest I wanted to try. None seemed healthy in any form or fashion so I couldn’t use that as a determinant. But delicious? All sounded highly delicious. The two recipes I was vollying between are this sausage and tortellini soup from Party in My Kitchen and this Crockpot sausage and tortellini soup from Little Fellows.
Ultimately, my pantry and fridge made the decision for me. I had cream cheese and did not have evaporated milk. I went with the Little Fellows recipe as a base but made a few changes. Now, y’all know I love coming home to a good slow cooker meal, but I forgot to brown my sausage before work which really messed up my whole slow cookin’ process. READ MORE
Keisha McKinney: Souper Saturday Mexican Chicken and Roasted Tomato Soup
So, for 2 weeks I’ve been wanting homemade soup. I was all ready last weekend and the lazy bug kicked in so it didn’t happen. But the almost blizzard conditions (remember I’m from TX) that blew in on Friday left me freezing to my bones and fully committed to my Saturday adventure of multi-tasking – cleaning and cooking simultaneously.I’ll admit, it was just about throwing a bunch of junk together and crossing my fingers that it worked. I’d love to be cool like Mix n Match Mama, Dining with Debbie or Heather’s Dish and actually make up a recipe that you could duplicate. But, my style is more to tell you what I did and why I did it and let you figure out if its something you want to repeat. You see I’m all about knowing tastes and learning what makes a great food marriage (at least a good party in your mouth) and then making that magic happen over and over. READ MORE

Riceland Foods (Debbie Arnold): Taramahoota Pollo Sopa Con Arroz
Good friends are such a blessing. And they are especially so when they share delicious, original recipes with you and allow you to share those as you please. My good friend, Chef Liz Bray, created the original version of this Taramahoota (tear uh ma hoot uh) soup years ago when she was developing recipes for Fagor 3 in 1 Pressure Cookers. It has become a family favorite and one I have shared often with others. READ MORE
Katharine Trauger: Turkey Minestrone
Okay, I’ve been working more on being organized because I got a good start when I froze leftover turkey from the holiday, in approximately one-pound packages.
I hope you did not throw yours out or force your family to eat turkey until it was coming out of their ears!
Anyway, I’ve had three pounds of frozen turkey to look at in the freezer and have been dreaming until I just could not STAND it anymore!
So I made turkey minestrone. Sort of. Except I am not sure what that is and I did not have eggs to make noodles with (after making two cakes in a row. Well, really four, if you count mistakes…) READ MORE
Riceland Foods (Heather Disarro): Tomato and Brown Rice Bisque
I have yet to meet a person who isn’t a fan of the traditional grilled cheese and tomato soup comfort meal. For a while I may have been the only one who wasn’t a big fan of tomato soup. The canned version really isn’t my cup of tea; the flavor typically a little too sweet for my liking. However, once I came around to tomatoes in general I couldn’t help but be drawn to the homemade versions of tomato soup I then came in contact with. READ MORE
This is the perfect time for soup. It’s so darn cold! All of those recipes look so comforting right now…
Yum! Looking forward to trying each one!