Top Ten Reasons You are NOT Going to Miss #AWBU

by Lyndi Fultz, nwaFoodie (


10.  You’ve hit a wall and you want to energize your blog.

9.  You’ve been wanting meet other Arkansas women bloggers in your area!

8.  You know you want to improve your blog stats, but you aren’t sure how to start.

7.  You feel you need to “unplug” and get back to the real reasons you started a blog.

6.  You want to build on your “village.”

5.  You heard last year’s event was rejuvenating and you knew you missed out!

4.  You need to bounce off ideas for the next phase of your blog.

3.  You are kicking around the idea of monetizing your blog and you’re not sure where to start.

2.  You know that “iron sharpens iron” and you want to share your knowledge with others… and benefit.

1.  #1 reason why THIS is the year you are going to #AWBU?  You are Arkansas-proud and this is the premier Arkansas blogging conference for women!


Learn more about the conference & REGISTER (early bird rate ends on July 31!)

Check out the conference agenda!

Want to learn more?  Follow @ARWomenBloggers and #AWBU on Twitter and register for our Twitter Party on Tuesday, July 24 at 8p CST to interact with other attendees and get the details!


Lyndi Fultz is the cultivator of  She will be hosting a special Foodie Friday add-on option during the Arkansas Women Bloggers conference, jam-packed with food styling, photography, content and tips for food bloggers and those who just happen to like food… and blogs.  Visit to check out her awesomeness, or read her posts as Miss January 2012 – the featured blogger on the Arkansas Women Bloggers site!