A Few of My Favorite Posts

by Ramona Collins, Miss March 2016

March is always an interesting month. It comes “in like a lion” and goes “out like a lamb.” This familiar saying refers to March weather. However, I believe it applies to life as well. I’ve enjoyed my time as the featured blogger this month. I will close my session with a few of my favorite entires from my Addicted to Fries blog

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Academy Awards 2016: 5 Lessons Every Business Should Learn

Who can forget the Academy Awards? This year’s show was controversial long before the telecast aired. Comedian Chris Rock accepted the challenge of hosting the film industry event amid the backlash. While watching the show, I realized five very big lessons were playing out in front of the world. This post examines the broadcast and the lessons showcased. 

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3 Things Steve Harvey Taught Us at the Miss Universe Pageant + Worksheet

Remember the unthinkable mistake Steve Harvey made while hosting the Miss Universe Pageant? Can you imagine making an untimely mistake on live television for the world to witness? I looked the lessons everyone could learn from the mistake and how Mr. Harvey handled it. Included is  a worksheet to help handle future mistakes. 

BlogElevated Tip Sheet for ARWB

Blog Elevated: The 10 Best Things I Learned in Dallas + Tip Sheet

I attended the Blog Elevated Conference in Dallas last October. I enjoyed the event and learned a lot. The conference covered a variety of topics including SEO, social media strategy and email newsletters. In this post, I share my favorite takeaways and a downloadable tip sheet for blogging success.

As we close the month of March, I encourage you to get up, get out, do something different…and write about it. You never know where your adventure may lead you or the lessons you could learn.