A Working Mom’s Summer Survival Kit | Jerusalem Greer

by Jerusalem Greer

This summer is my second summer as a Working-Outside-the-Home-Full-Time-Not-On-a-School-Schedule- Mom.

To say that I was unprepared for what this change would mean for our summer schedule is an understatement. 

Last summer was a disaster. A completely mess of unrealistic expectations of myself, frustration with how my boys were spending their days (which usually involved too much media and not enough chores,) guilt over being away from them so much, guilt over being frustrated by their general adolescent-ness outlook (i.e. too much media, not enough chores) due to my lack of planning, sadness that I was missing out on the summer fun I had grown accustomed to,  and bone weary exhaustion from trying to run in too many different directions at once.

We all survived, but not without a lot of regret on my part. And I don’t do regret well.

I am not generally a big planner – it seems that in my case I make plans just so that God or the universe can break them, but in order to create a new way of living and enjoying summer as a family with a full-time-working-outside-the-home-mom, I decided that creating a summer survival plan might just be the thing that proves the rule.

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