#Bean2Blog 2013 and Arkansas Women Bloggers

Disclosure: The following post is about the 2013 Bean2Blog event, where P. Allen Smith and the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board  invited bloggers (most ARWB members), fed us a delicious lunch, gave us a cutie-patootie t-shirt and showed us a good ‘ole time that did involve heritage chicken gawking. All opinions are The Park Wife’s, owner of The Women Bloggers L.L.C. 


by The Park Wife

P. Allen Smith, MiMi San Pedro, Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board and The Communication Group GET IT!

According to P. Allen (as I like to call him, he is a new bff),  “Social media has caused a huge paradigm shift in how business is conducted on our planet. The social web has created a new era of instantaneous business where bloggers are today’s up-to-the-minute voice. Businesses want to tap these bloggers to spread positive word-of-mouth about their products.” Smith continued “Bloggers are very influential because they become product evangelists or influencers giving marketers instantaneous feedback on exclusive previews, product testing, marketing plans, customer services audits, etc. The blogger’s opinions become actionable items that businesses can employ immediately thus better serving consumers. In this scenario, everybody wins.”




I, along with 19 other fabulous women bloggers, most members of the Arkansas Women Bloggers community spent a full day at Moss Mountain Farm. There were tours of the Garden Home (beautiful) and surrounding gardens. There might have been a blogger holding a chicken, you will have to read the posts to find out.

Farmer West Higginbotham shared his experiences as a soybean farmer and how it impacts his town and his family.  Allen taught us how to grow and cook with soybeans products. Fun was had by all.

The gals have promised to link up their post here, so keep coming back and reading about our wonderful day at the farm.

Bean2Blog attendees, please link up your posts from our wonderful day at Moss Mountain Farm below.


  1. Debbie says:

    I have so much spinning around in my head after #bean2blog. I need a retreat just to have the time and quiet to get it all done. I’m really looking forward to what everyone has to say. I will be following up my first link with every more commentary and recipes using soy products. I would love for our readers to try the recipes I have already posted and let me know what they think. Remember as well that we expect, at least s some of us, to make on site visits this fall to soybean farms during harvest and to the processing plant in Mulberry. Excited to share and be a part of this amazing opportunity.

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