Bloggers in the Rice Field {repost}


(This is a repost from 2014 highlighting our relationship with Arkansas’s finest rice producer, Riceland Foods.)


Arkansas Women Bloggers are the social media megaphones of Arkansas. So naturally, when Riceland wanted to get the word out, they hired Arkansas Women Bloggers to bring in some great influencers to Stuttgart for the WingsOver the Prairie/World Championship Duck Calling Contest. The eight bloggers were able to interact with Georgia Pellegrini, TV Chef, Author, Outdoor Adventure Expert, Modern Pioneer, #GirlHunter on stage, learn more about Riceland, and even get a duck calling lesson.

Riceland provides marketing services for rice, soybeans and wheat grown by its 5,500 farmer-members in Arkansas and Missouri. Each year, its 1,500 employees receive, store, transport process and market more than 125 million bushels (2.5 million metric tons) of grain.

They are the WORLD’s largest miller and marketer of rice , yes, right here in Arkansas people.

Each Riceland product is backed by generations of rice farmers whose goal has always been to produce the finest quality rice in the world. 

Riceland makes me proud to be an Arkansan and we are happy that they have seen the value in Arkansas Women Bloggers and our influence.

Enjoy some of the photo collages from a few of the bloggers that spent the day listening to duck calls and cooking with Riceland. 

Duck Calling Contest in Stuttgart {MamaBuzz -}
   Mel at Mamabuzz

Duck Heather

 Heather at Heather’s Dish


Duck Debbie

Debbie at DiningWithDebbie


Stephanie The Park Wife

A special thanks to our dear, sweet, encourager Debbie Arnold for making all the bloggers and Georgia camo and embroidered aprons. Yes, that is how she rolls.