Category: 2015

What My Daughter Has Taught Me About Love

by Jenny Marrs, Miss August 2015


I’m frequently asked about the transition our family underwent when our daughter joined our family through adoption. Friends and family are naturally curious about our family dynamic. They wonder how Sylvie has adjusted to her new world. They ask about her siblings and the impact her adoption has had on their own tender hearts.

The short answer is: “it’s complicated.”

The multi-faceted layers of hurt and brokenness and pain Sylvie carries with her are staggering. At just over one year home, we are still working to learn what triggers fear and uncover the cause of certain behaviors.

One of the most profound lessons adopting a toddler with a traumatic past has taught me is this: love is not a passive emotion, it requires effort. 

We are doing the hard work of love in our home. It is messy and fractured and imperfect. Yet, we are stumbling through and watching the beauty of redemption unfold. The transformation has been most dramatic in Sylvie’s eyes: eyes that once were cold and lifeless are now bright and quite literally shine.

In a recent conversation with Monica of the Bentonville Project, she asked for my description of love. Looking back on my response, I see clear lessons learned from parenting my girl. 

Love is selfless and vulnerable. It is intentional. Love is seeing the mess and the brokenness and stepping into the story instead of turning away. Love is getting up every day and doing the next thing. Love gives more than it receives. Love can be fireworks and wonder and awe but often, most often, it is quiet, gentle, and unremarkable. Love is tender.  Love is laps full, arms wrapped around littles, snuggled together reading a bedtime story. Love pursues. Love forgives. Love extends grace. Love is the foundation of an abundant life.

Permission to Shine

by Jenny Marrs, Miss August 2015

From the moment Julie’s email appeared in my inbox inviting me into this role of Blogger of the Month for August, I’ve been suffering from a serious bout of writer’s block. 

Writing for other writers is intimidating. 

I’ve struggled to come up with topics that would be beneficial or inspiring or encouraging for you gals. Because I believe time is our most valuable resource, I’ve had one question rolling around in my mind since reading that email: “Why would these bloggers take the time out of their day to read my measly offering of words?”

JMarrs AWB August Post 2

Recently, I sat with one of my dearest friends on this planet and listened as she poured out her insecurities and fears. I wept over the brokenness that held her captive. I literally pushed my chair aside and stood, outraged at the lies she believed about herself. I stopped her and I declared truths that I saw in her. I could not bear to let her walk out of that room believing those hideous lies about herself. Words just came. There was no outline or editing process or drafts. They just welled up in me out of righteous anger for my beloved friend. 

And, as I shared her value and worth, I realized something. I needed to hear the same words. And, I would be willing to bet that there is someone reading this post today that could probably stand to shut down the lies, as well. 

You see, we all have a unique voice. We all have a noteworthy story to tell. Yet, somewhere in all of the noise of this world, our story is often pushed aside. Our voice muffled. 

There are countless blogs and storytellers out there. I don’t know about any of you but I often fear insignificance in this space. I believe we all want our words to matter. We all desire to make a difference within our sphere of influence. 

And, the beautiful, hope-restoring, simple truth is this: we all matter

We each have distinct gifts and there is room enough for us all. When one of us succeeds, we can cheer her on knowing that her success does not take away from our own. We can lift one another up without fearing our own demise. We can be vulnerable and brave. We can hit publish and send our words out into the world. 

My new favorite quote was shared by Rebekah Lyons during her reading at IF: Gathering in February. I think I’m going to write this on my bathroom mirror. I need this reminder daily. 

As we let our own light shine, we give others permission to do the same.” 

My hope is that this AWB community can continue to give one another permission to shine. What an honor it is to be among you ladies. 

When Your Well Runs Dry {Blogger of the Month}

by Jenny Marrs, Miss August 2015

There are seasons when schedules are packed and laundry is piled high and to-do lists continually multiply regardless of the effort exerted to check off tasks.

In these seasons, work feels uninspired and overwhelming.

Copious amounts of coffee are consumed. Self-care is buried under responsibilities. Exhaustion settles in like a morning fog, desiring rest in order to lift.

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Creativity is stifled. Writing feels small and inadequate.

Comparison steals joy.

Tempers run short. Sharp words sting. The well of patience and compassion runs dry.

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You seek change and desire peace.

You slow down. You breathe deep. You pursue grace.

You learn to prioritize gratitude. Thankfulness becomes your compass.

Through the lens of gratitude, the full calendar transforms from obligations into moments ready to be treasured. The overflowing laundry reveals signs of life and precious loved ones under your roof to clothe. The toys strewn about the house are reflections of shared joy and laughter.

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As we walk into the stifling heat of August in Arkansas, let’s choose to prioritize gratitude. Let us be a people of thankfulness. Let us look beyond the dust and instead see the beauty of sunlight filtering through the window falling on that old shelf.


In whatever season you are in, allow thankfulness to be your compass.  Create markers of joy. Recorded gratitude in writing, thankfulness proclaimed out loud, photographic evidence of beauty in the midst of the mess. If there is one thing I’ve learned as I have set out on a personal journey to pursue joy, it is this: the well cannot remain dry when the heart is transformed through the act of intentionally seeking gratitude.

Jenny Marrs Miss August 2015

I’ll be honest with you all, I’m feeling equally grateful and vastly under-qualified for this honor of Arkansas Women Bloggers’ August Blogger of the Month.

jenny marrsJust like many of the best things in my life, I find the title of blogger to be incredibly unexpected. I didn’t set out to blog or build a platform or share my deepest, darkest, most vulnerable thoughts with whoever happens upon my little corner of the internet; I simply wanted to keep a journal of our family’s adoption journey for close friends and family to read. As our straightforward adoption journey became anything but straightforward, Blessings & Raindrops became a place for my emotions to pour forth and a way for God to speak to my own heart through the written word. As I chronicled my desire to seek God in the dark valley of our waiting, I found a refreshing community and soul-refueling encouragement through many of my fellow ARWB blogging gals.

This online journal of mine has evolved alongside my own life. Since that first post, I left my corporate job and my photography business in order to stay home with my twin boys, moved from downtown Bentonville into a 100+ year-old farmhouse in the country {that we literally picked up and moved– we are simply crazy, no other explanation}, founded a non-profit, planted our blueberry farm, and added two girls to our brood.

Needless to say, my life is busy, chaotic, and messy {the computer I’m typing on was recently thrown up on – need I say more?}. More than anything, it is abundantly joyful and full of laughter {and impromptu dance parties – which, incidentally, are the key to my sanity. It’s a proven fact: no one can fight or cry or whine while dancing in the kitchen. It just isn’t possible}.

My posts these days document all of my current unexpected titles: orphan and vulnerable child advocate, historic home renovator and decorator, adoptive momma, mom to four little people ages five and under and seeker of joy in the midst the mundane.

Thanks for this opportunity to share a slice of my world. I’m so looking forward to our month together!

Where you can find me online:
My blog:

Waist Training

By Jacqueline Presley, Miss July 2015

OK, Imma talk about a “womanly” issue. Not tampons, don’t worry. Those of us who have had children: you might be experiencing something I have. I’ve become a box. I’m talking about my waist. Where I used to have curves, there are no curves. Do you know what I mean? Here’s an example:

Square belly

Do you see it? My waist is like a square. It used to not be. Here’s what’s going on under there: It’s called Diastasis Recti. You can read more about it here.

I didn’t just have 2 pregnancies, I also had a c-section. They literally went in there & pushed those muscles aside to get the baby (Katie) out. I have tried everything to bring those muscles back together. Nothing has worked well. A couple of months ago I read an article about Kim Kardashian doing waist training & I began to read more about how to do it properly. Basically, you wear a corset through the process of exercising & eating right. The combination is dramatic. Within 1 week, I noticed a difference. Week 2, I was able to wear the next size down in pants (without the corset on) & I hadn’t lost any weight. It puts the muscles where they should be as I exercise, so they get stronger in the right place. I’m starting to get my curve back: 


You should definitely try it!

Note: Arkansas Women Bloggers does not promote or condone any specific weight management or fitness regime.  The opinions above are of the specific author of this piece and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Arkansas Women Bloggers. Always consult your physician before beginning any new health program.

I Want to SHINE Like My Daughter

By Jacqueline Presley, Miss July 2015


Remember when you were little and life was simpler? The easy joys of feeling sunshine on your face, feeling the dirt between your toes, the wind in your hair? I remember lying down in the grass, looking up at the sky and dreaming of my future. The future was so bright and my eyes were so innocent. I had no idea how difficult and painful life can be. I had no idea the things I would face. I just knew about right then and the dream of what would be. I think I have lost a lot of that. The older I get, the more I forget what that’s like. Life darkens my perspective. Can you relate?

That’s the beauty of children. They help us remember. When my daughter was born it was like a breath of fresh air was blown across my life. To be able to watch her experience things for the first time, to hear her laugh and be loved by her with abandon, completely. I want my love to be pure like that, unhindered. I want to remember the smaller of pleasures. I want to be wild like her, silly like her, SHINE like her.

3 Things I’ve Learned Lately from Arkansas Women Bloggers

by Jacqueline Presley, Miss July 2015


I love being part of this community. I love that I can always bring the many blogging questions I have to you & someone has an answer. Here are a few of the things I’ve learned lately. Maybe at least one of them was something you didn’t know:

1) When you pin a pin on Pinterest from your feed, make sure you click through to the actual website & pin it from there. That way, you’ll get the credit for the pin (Repins maintain the source-link of the image no matter how many times it’s repinned). Thank you, Heather Schisler.

2) Should you ever be asked for or need your Unique Pageviews for your site through Google Analytics, here’s how to get it:
Behavior >Site Content > All Pages Then, you’ll see Unique Pageviews there. Thanks, Elizabeth Michael.

3) Within the Shareaholic App on WordPress, you can customize the Tweet text to include your Twitter handle, so you know when someone is Tweeting out your post. Thank you, Heidi Clark.

Thankful for the tips ladies.


by Jacqueline Presley, Miss July 2015


Our theme this month is SHINE. The first thing I think of when I hear that word is this verse from the Bible, “In the same way, let your light SHINE before others, that they may see your good deeds & glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 As a Christian, as a person in this world, I hope my life shines. I hope people feel loved & cared for in my company. I don’t want to waste my life, by not loving people as I could have, but chose not to; for various reasons.

Lately, I have been teaching my kids about the verse, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do & doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” James 4:17 My heart is for them see their own responsibility to respond to the world around them. If they see good that needs to be done, if they see injustice or a need, or someone being treated in an unkind way…I want them to see that it is in this way they SHINE in this world. It will not be by proclaiming loudly what they disagree with. It is not by shunning, shaming or avoiding giving help or a kind word.

As a person, if my life does not somehow make your life better for having known me, I have failed to SHINE.

“The Lord bless you & keep you; the Lord make His face to SHINE on you & be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you & give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Jacqueline Presley Miss July 2015

Hey y’all. My name is Jacqueline and  I am grateful to be the July Blogger of the Month for Arkansas Women Bloggers. I absolutely adore being a part of this community. 

Profile pic for AWBThe very first blogging I ever did was for NWA Motherlode. They invited me to blog through my pregnancy as “Mommy in Progress”.  That got me interested. Once my daughter was born in 2009, I started my own blog, Creative Outpour. I had become a stay-at-home-mom, and I wanted to connect with people online that shared similar interests. Back then, I spent a lot of time drooling over interior design blogs, so I wanted to start one of my own. It was fun to post on various topics like, “How to Decorate Your Entry” or “DIY Wall Art.” Over time, it has evolved into a blog that also includes posts about faith, family, organizing and my life. 

I began to do some small posts for brands reviewing products and giveaways. Eventually, I joined blogger networks and started getting higher paid sponsored posts. It was awesome to be able to contribute our family’s income from home. A little over a year ago, I began working as a Social Media Manager for Oh Baby Foods. Still, I have been fortunate to be able to mostly work from home and slowly transition into working more in the office as my children become school-aged. I have been helped every step of the way from this amazing community. 

If I can ever be helpful to you or if you ever want to collaborate in some way, it would be my privilege. Let’s chat.

Where you can find me online: