Category: Featured

Modern Moms – Keeping it Simple | Pat Downs

by Pat Downs of Sweet Yellow Cornbread

Most of today’s moms are raising their children much different than I raised mine.  When I was a young mother starting out, there was no home internet, no cell phones, no Netflix and landlines were still a very basic necessity.   WOW, I have just aged myself.  

With Social Media on the rage, mother’s have the ability to connect with one another via Facebook Groups, Pinterest Groups, Twitter, Instagram and the list goes on and on.  The kids are being able to use our I-phones better than we do.  Recipe sharing is via Social Media in lieu of the old fashion rolodex cards passed down from generations.  I am so glad to see that some of today’s moms still like the ole’ fashion recipe exchanges, public libraries, going out for ice-cream socials and doing arts and crafts with their kids.

Pat is featuring some of her favorite Modern Moms. Check out the first in her series here: READ MORE…

Tasty Tuesday: Eggs in Our Basket


Jennifer Maune: Bacon and Egg Avocado Bake


I have a big secret to share. I had never eaten an avocado until a few years ago. Can you believe it? I also didn’t eat guacamole until recently. Equally as surprising considering I could now eat an avocado for every meal, and guacamole is just about my favorite food. I like an avocado alone, I like them in my protein smoothies, I like them in dip, I like them on toast. You get the picture. I really, really like avocados, and considering the health benefits, that’s not a bad thing! Add egg, bacon, and cheese and I’m on cloud nine! I’m excited to share this Bacon and Egg Avocado Bake recipe with you, I think you are going to love it. READ MORE



Anita Stafford: Quick and Easy Brioche

Brioche is a yeast bread, but this rich butter and egg loaf is so light you’ll almost think you’re eating cake. This brioche recipe is a quick version to make with little fuss. One plus is that it does not take the usual 4 hours for refrigeration of the dough that many other brioche recipes require.  READ MORE


Amy Gramlich: Tex-Mex Migas

Is there any one true way to prepare Tex-Mex migas or Spanish-style migas? Do a quick Google search or a thumb through your favorite Mexican or Spanish cookbook, and you will come to a decided no.

This is our second post for Kids’ Kitchen Monthly Blog Hop with some other bloggers from the Kid Bloggers Network. READ MORE


Debbie Arnold: How to Boil the Perfect Egg

No, I haven’t lost my mind.  At least I don’t remember doing so.  It’s just that I know too many people who don’t have a clue as to how to boil a perfect egg.  Anybody can boil an egg, but far too often it comes out looking like it’s been engaged in major warfare.  Pit marks. Cracks.  Missing pieces.  You know what I’m talking about.

And I think that’s a shame when it’s really easy to boil an egg so that it comes out all smooth and ready for the next egg beauty pageant — or for you to grate or mash or chop it to smithereens.  But for just a few moments, it’s gloriously perfect. READ MORE

A Working Mom’s Summer Survival Kit | Jerusalem Greer

by Jerusalem Greer

This summer is my second summer as a Working-Outside-the-Home-Full-Time-Not-On-a-School-Schedule- Mom.

To say that I was unprepared for what this change would mean for our summer schedule is an understatement. 

Last summer was a disaster. A completely mess of unrealistic expectations of myself, frustration with how my boys were spending their days (which usually involved too much media and not enough chores,) guilt over being away from them so much, guilt over being frustrated by their general adolescent-ness outlook (i.e. too much media, not enough chores) due to my lack of planning, sadness that I was missing out on the summer fun I had grown accustomed to,  and bone weary exhaustion from trying to run in too many different directions at once.

We all survived, but not without a lot of regret on my part. And I don’t do regret well.

I am not generally a big planner – it seems that in my case I make plans just so that God or the universe can break them, but in order to create a new way of living and enjoying summer as a family with a full-time-working-outside-the-home-mom, I decided that creating a summer survival plan might just be the thing that proves the rule.

Click for more…


Tasty Tuesday: All They’re Cracked Up to Be – Eggs


  • Arkansas is ranked in the Top Ten in the Nation For Poultry & Egg Production
  • Egg productions alone equals 3 billion eggs per year or 11.5 million eggs per day. The production value of egg production along is $1.8 million per day or over $478 million per year.
  • The average American eats 250 eggs per year.
  • Beyond brown and white, the color of an egg’s shell does not have any bearing on its nutritional value.
  • Older hens produce larger eggs.
  • The white string inside an egg is called the chalaza. Its job is to hold the yolk in place in the center of the white albumen. It is completely edible.
  • The white leghorn is the more common breed of egg-laying chicken.
  • The proteins in eggs contain an almost perfect mix of amino acids which are needed to build muscle, second only to breast milk.
  • Eggs are an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins A, B12 and D.They are also high in riboflavin, folate, phosphorus and choline, which helps with brain function.

Information source: Arkansas Poultry Federation



Amy Gramlich: Cheddar and Sausage Quiche

Pie crust. Sausage. Cheddar. Fresh herbs. What more could a person want in life?

For years, I have been making this cheddar and sausage quiche for special occasion brunches or breakfasts – Mother’s Day weekends, girls’ weekends, and Christmas gatherings. It is a breeze to put together and if you are running low on time, you can always use a ready-made crust. I found this recipe in a Taste of Home magazine insert years ago. I have made minor changes to the original recipe over the years and it has become a family favorite. READ MORE



Talya Boerner: Healthy Egg Salad

If you want to whip up a family meal using an entire basket of Easter eggs, I suggest this healthy egg salad recipe. Healthy because it’s made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo. (And let’s be clear, I’m referring to boiled Easter eggs not plastic Easter eggs, although you may have those hanging around too…) READ MORE



Anita Stafford: Angel Food Cake

Most of my baking is done based on my own choices. Sometimes I have a new recipe to try or other times I may bake up something old and familiar. A time I don’t choose what to bake is when we’re celebrating a family member’s birthday. Each one has their own group of favorite cakes or desserts, so I have an idea what might be requested. This year though, my daughter threw me a curve when I asked her for her birthday cake order. She told me she wanted an angel food cake with fresh strawberries. I love angel food cakes, but it has been years since one has been baked in my oven. The first step in fulfilling her request was to locate my recipe. READ MORE


Establishing a Regular Quiet Downtime with Children

by Rhonda Franz of Captain Mom

Structured downtime has been a mainstay in our home for years, from when my oldest child grew out of naps, and the middle child was but a babe to now, when the youngest is still learning to survive time by himself. Weekends, holidays, and every lovin’ day during the summer.

It’s a life-saver, this time. I work. I sometimes take a few minutes to relax. Family members get a break: from a bad morning, from noise, from each other.

Would you like to join us?

Read More to learn suggestions for establishing downtime in your house.

This Parenting Thing Is Hard

by Mandy Kilbourn of life. faithful.

I want you to know, my parenting this last week or so has been the best it’s been probably since my sweet baby girl was born 7.5 years ago.

I haven’t yelled at either kid, lost my temper over the little stuff, been impatient, zoned out when they told another long story, or pretended to listen.

Maybe that has something to do with the fact that my kids aren’t here right now. READ MORE…

Earth Day | Energy Usage Survey

By Keisha McKinney of BigPittStop

Earth Day may have passed but it is meant to get us thinking about our future and what we can do to protect our planet.

As mentioned here and here, one of the common debates at our house is how we could decrease our carbon footprint. Of course I don’t present it in those terms, but what could we do to reduce trash and consumption in our home?

This new stage of life really has me noticing how much more trash we produce. So I was thinking with Earth Day right around the corner, what would it look like to do a little “reduce-reuse-recycle” survey and see what could be cut out or cut down.

Try this in your home. READ MORE

Why Is Contentment Elusive?

By Nancy Kay Grace

Contentment can evaporate quickly. We tend to compare other people’s lives to our own. We desire something other than the life we live.

The desires can be small, like wanting the newest electronic gadget or feeling jealous when someone else gets a different car. The desires can be large, like feeling overlooked when a friend gets the promotion you desired or finds themselves in a happy relationship when you are lonely.

Every day we are bombarded with cultural pleas for discontentment through advertising, through constant comparisons, and dissatisfaction with our stage in life.

Why is contentment elusive? Is it an illusion?

Jesus speaks gentle words encouraging us to look to Him for our contentment.


Tasty Tuesday: Strawberry Season 2




Alrighty. After baking the worst strawberry cake ever for my son’s 21st birthday (read about it HERE , or we can just pretend it never happened…), I’m going back to our old family recipe. Nana’s Strawberry Cake. Straight from her vintage recipe box. READ MORE




One of my coworkers brings a yummy strawberry pretzel dessert to the teachers’ lounge for potlucks and at other times just because she’s awesome like that. For a while, I have been thinking I wanted to make it at home. I decided it would be a fun dessert to make with Scooter Britches for this month’s Kids’ Kitchen post. READ MORE




I know some people are anti-mix, but I think mixes can serve a great purpose when you need something good in a hurry. This cake utilizes a regular cake mix along with strawberry flavored margarita mix, and the result is amazing. This cake smells so wonderful, just like fresh strawberries. In fact, if you sliced a few fresh strawberries to garnish the top of the cake, no one would be the wiser, I’m sure. This cake is quick and easy to make, plus it is a taste pleaser. READ MORE




When the Benton Junior Auxiliary published its Calico Cupboards cookbook, my recipe for Tart Lemon Jelly was included along with my homemade gingerbread. I loved the contrast of flavors of the lemon curd and the spiciness of the gingerbread together. Since then, I’ve used lemon curd in so many ways—crepes, trifles, and in this very simple dessert with fresh strawberries, homemade whipped cream. READ MORE


5 Tips for Protecting Yourself from Ticks

By Julie D Kohl of Seek Adventures


If you spend time outdoors, you need to be tick-aware. Ticks carry a variety of diseases, most notably Lyme disease. Lyme disease is transmitted through the bite of a tick that has been infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Ticks can be a cause for serious concern, especially if you don’t catch them early, as they carry bacteria, viruses and parasites that can lead to illness in humans and pets. Here are 5 tips to protect you from ticks. READ MORE…