Brand portraits are an extension of the traditional professional head shot session a person receives for their business or brand. Branding photo shoots allow you to showcase not only your personality, but present your vision and business.
LeSha recently had a brand portrait session and today she is talking about the importance of brand portraits. She covers topics like:
Check out her blog The Lovely Photog to READ MORE!
Fear. It grips us. We can feel it in our bones. Smell it. Sometimes, even, others can smell it on us. It cripples, paralyzes, and robs us. It causes us to miss out, to fall back, to give up.
We can be talented, cheery, sharp, and brilliant. We really can.
Do you have aspirations for a home garden but not enough time, land, or whatever is needed to make it happen? It’s okay, because we have Plan B.
Plan B is buying locally what is farmed locally.
On Friday I ran around town and purchased groceries from here and there, all the while keeping my eyes peeled for local produce. Here’s a sample of what I found and I barely scratched the surface!
I was happy to see that my local Walmart is calling out locally farmed produce. From cabbage to sweet potatoes to berries, I applaud this so stinkin’ much. Does your local Walmart have the same?
nwafoodie (Lyndi Fultz) is a hub for food happiness. Arkansas Women Blogger member Lyndi Fultz focuses on the simplicity of fresh ideas when it comes to the exploration of food, eating, and enjoying life. nwafoodie conveys a sense of joy, curiosity and wonder of all the touch points of eating coupled with a fun and upbeat tone, pulling readers into a welcoming foodie fold that has none of the usual snobbery. She blogs from the perspective of a small town foodie exploring her backyard, spreading the message that eating well is truly one of the most joyful pleasures of living.
Comfort food, whether it is a rainy day or just a craving we have our go-to comforts. How about an interesting twist on the comfort of a grilled cheese? This Easy Zucchini Grilled Cheese sneaks in servings of veggies and cuts the carbohydrates down without compromising taste! So many swaps can be made to make it your own version of comfort! And it is dietitian approved! READ MORE
Lydia Sartain, Your Local Dietitian, is a dietitian who desires to make healthy simple even for the fullest of schedules. As the owner of Sartain Nutrition, she understands busy makes healthy hard. Her website was formed to bring healthy to you with easy recipes, meal plans, and health coaching. Adding her blog seemed to be a natural fit, since she has always enjoyed writing and good stories. Her favorite people call her wife and mommy. She loves Jesus, a good cuppa’ joe, chatting, waking early, being outdoors, traveling with her family, daydreaming with her hubby, wrestling her boy, writing, teaching, planning and making recipes. Be sure to find her writing about all the good things in life on her blog at yourlocaldietitian.com .
What happens when a city girl lands smack dab inside a wooded parcel of land, surrounded by wild animals she’s only seen in cartoons? It was like I stepped inside my own Aesop’s Fable tales with so many lessons to learn. Please relax in the many ways nature helps us live lovely, and join me here at my house and the wild world where I live.
Are you feeling lucky? These free printable St Patricks Day gifts tags will help you make someone else feel lucky. All you have to do is print, cut, and add to a homemade treat or store bought sweet.
I have to say, I love your cooking blogs. (Where were you when I was newly married and banned from using Hamburger Helper?) I love your how-to-be-a-young-mom (or dad)-and-not-go-crazy blogs. (Again, where were you when I was isolated for weeks with a sick toddler?) I am energized by your how-to grow or decorate anything blogs. I wish I could focus on one subject. In The Art of Lovely Living: In Search of Authentic Beauty Living Large, I share my multi-directional but hopefully multi-dimensional thoughts on cliques, labels, relationships, the death of our dog, and whether or not I’m friendly or, yikes, misconstrued to be flirty.
I created my blog in 2011 to share some of my personal essays about life and death, divorce, dementia, my vanity and yours, and how I’m not a fashionista, are you? Sometimes I’m serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek (defined slyly humorous:). I get to speak my mind and heart in a conversational voice to several hundred readers. I forewarn you, I’m wordy and I’m sappy.
However, just as I love to write, I also love to paint (on canvases in lieu of walls). Both can be lonely sports though. When I joined the Arkansas Women Bloggers and The Women Bloggers, I met others online who love words and their influence. And even though my head swims when you all discuss anything plug-in, computerish, and Instagramy, I read you, and your explanations bring a bit of clarity in my fog.
In my personal life, I try to follow in my grandmother’s example. She showed me what loving parents do. In turn, I focused to be the mother I didn’t have, the teacher I needed. Since I was a child of divorce, I had vowed to not ever divorce for my children’s and scriptures’ sake. When I discovered my eighteen-year marriage included his affairs, that vow was broken, and I entered into a new season.Writing was a good way to air my griefs and soften the shock.
Now as a single parent, I began working on a master’s degree in Technical and Expository Writing. Some of the classes generated my developing educational programs for high school students: a radio talk show—Listen Up, It’s Your Future Talking, and a documentary films workshop. I also produced and directed a city-wide children’s production with a cast and crew of 75. For those eight performances, we averaged 800 on week nights!
For all of these projects, I created brochures, programs, and manuals before graphic arts programs, computers and the internet were available. I know it sounds like the dinosaur age, but that was only 25 or so years ago.
In my early forties, I was blessed to meet the love of my life (trite, but true) and together we have four children and five grandchildren. When we moved to Searcy twenty years ago for my husband Bill, a urologist, to join Searcy Medical Center, we found a house with seven acres on a thirty-acre lake. Only eight minutes from the clinic and Harding Academy where I taught secondary English and then art, the setting has been a godsend. Many hours are spent at our kitchen window watching the world of nature. I call it my God therapy. I’ll share a bit in one post.
For all of my jam-packed years, I now am one who needs quiet days to unplug and tackle a project, whether it be an article or painting. The silence offers room for my best expressions. Several essays have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul Books, Guideposts’ Mysterious Ways magazine and book and other essay compilations as well as newspapers and online websites.Throughout the years my volunteer work has included serving on five different board of directors, four as Secretary (writing minutes for meetings is not creative but necessary). All give me opportunities to invest in others. All the while, I’m growing and expanding.
Bill and I love traveling together, having journeyed throughout our great country with only ten states left. We’ve ventured through sixteen or so European countries, some twice, and Russia, Cuba and Mexico. We have a mutual love of art, our children, grandchildren, and most especially the Lord.Life is good, and so I share with you what I find in my search for its beauty and art.
When we walked in, tripping over backpacks and lunch boxes and ourselves, at least the kitchen and dining room table were a-waitin’ on us. On this day, the dinner prep—all the way to the table setting—was the one priority thing.
Some days, the priority thing is laying out clean clothes for the church program.
Other days, just being able to finish one work project is the most important.
Often, working backwards from the end of the day works the best, just like I did with setting out the bowls. Productivity and organization pros refer to it as “reverse engineering.”
Whatever works, and works for you…I say.
When you’re overwhelmed, pick out the one thing that will relieve your mind and create the most order. And leave the other stuff for another day (or if you’re lucky, someone else).
Check out how Rhonda accomplished her one priority thing. READ MORE…
I finally have an organization tool that works for me so’s I know what’s in my refrigerator: that big white thing in our kitchen that my family and I look into 456 times a day. Every time we open the refrigerator, it’s like turning a new page from an Eye Spy book.
Is it like that for you?
I found one simple trick that has helped solve this problem. Check out my trick and 6 tips to help make it work for you.
My heart was no longer warmed by the pathetic tree. It brought stress each time I had to clean up the mess and pine needles.
Isn’t that the way Christmas celebrations are? We hope for joy but have more stress than anticipated. My plan for a tree led to a mess. Unmet expectations lead to disappointment.
Disappointment can steal the joy of the gift of Christmas. We get disillusioned with the crazy pace of the season, with the lack of time and resources, and how people treat us.