By Heather Vaught of VaughtBabyDreams
Cooling off while pregnant. Is that even possible?
I’m sure at least one of our readers is or knows someone who is trying to figure out how to stay cool during this summer while being pregnant. I reached out to all of my Mommy Friends and asked them what they did. The responses are both practical and amusing:
“Muumuus, copious amounts of ice cream, and very little movement… Oh, and, a buzz cut. I was quite a “vision” to behold…. ;-/” – K.C. from Arkansas
“Both my kids were summer babies. One in august, the other in september. Both with no AC. I spent a lot of time in the back yard either i the spinkler or kiddie pool. Or just under the shade. One thing I did, I took a cool shower before bed. It helped cool me down enough to get some sleep.” – D.B. from Arkansas
“I had to put ice on my feet and put them in front of a fan one night just so I could get shoes on to get to work. I worked nights at the PO and spent 8 hrs on my feet on a loading dock!” – T.B. from Arkansas
“We bought an inflatable pool and Ryan and I sat in it all summer while I was prego with Charley” – M.B. from Virginia
“Well, I’m at the end of my summer pregnancy and I have been either at a pool, lake or on the couch! Lol.” – A.D. from Texas
“When I was pregnant with my son (born 7/12…8 days late! ) my only saving grace to stay cool was very little clothing and spent many hours in the pool.” – M.B. from Maryland
“I used to come home every night and sit in a tub of cold water. Son was born 8/29 in one of the hottest summer in Oklahoma.” L.L. from Virginia
“When I was pregnant with the boys, I took Todd and Heather swimming just about every day that summer. It kept them occupied, I got exercise, and the water was cool and supported my big old belly. We took cold drinks and lunch, stopped for ice cream or watermelon on the way home.” S.D. from Georgia
“Stay inside! Lol! Oh, and lots of smoothies (and that’s a healthy snack bonus)!” E.L. from Virginia
“Sit on a raft in water, secluded water, And milkshakes.” – H.D. from Maryland
“My a/c went out when I was 6 months preggo with TWINS… put on the emergency list….they said if I wasn’t pregnant when they showed up, they would leave… the air back on the same day. Also, find a cool mall to hang out in or the movies….they are always chilly!!!” – P.H. from Virginia
Well ladies, bodies of water are a must when trying to stay cool. So, of course, that led me to wonder, where are the best places in Central Arkansas for a pregnant woman to cool her heels (and belly)? Here are some of the top places:

Woolly Hollow State Park offers a popular central Arkansas swimming hole. Lifeguards are on duty at the swimming beach from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day. Fees are charged to all swimmers age two and above. Swimming is not allowed from the boats in the lake. For details about Woolly Hollow State Park, call 501-679-2098 or .
On the shore of Lake Dardanelle, a sprawling 34,300-acre reservoir on the Arkansas River, Lake Dardanelle State Park is your gateway to lake and the water sports that can be enjoyed on it and the Arkansas River. For swimmers, the park offers a swimming beach by the picnic area. Swimming is free to the public and at your own risk as there are no lifeguards present at this beach. For details about Lake Dardanelle State Park, call 479-967-5516 or visit: .

There is one area designated as a swimming area on 1,940-acre Lake Catherine, one of the renowned Diamond Lakes around Hot Springs. The swimming beach at Lake Catherine State Park is on the lower end of the lake. Swimming is free to the public and at your own risk since there are no lifeguards present here at the park’s swimming beach. The park features some of the finest lake cabins in Arkansas. The Nature Cabin staffed by the park interpreters during summer months overlooks the swimming beach. For details about Lake Catherine State Park, call 501-844-4176 or visit: .
And of course, if water parks are more your style, you can always visit Magic Springs or Crystal Falls, both of which offer cool, clean water to sit in.
However you decide to stay cool, please make sure you do it safely, and, know your limits.
Have a great summer!

The pregnancy quotes reminded me of my first summer pregnancy back when every place wasn’t air conditioned. Our apartment was one of them! I spent lots of time at my parents’ house in their air conditioning, and in front of a fan or in a cool bath at home. The pictures remind me of my husband’s company picnics at Lake Nixon near Little Rock. It was a great place for families to gather.