by Gina Knuppenburg

For the last few years, Thom and I have been vacationing separately.  For one reason or another it’s just been smarter and more convenient for us to head to Michigan either alone or together but on separate sides of the state; with him visiting his kids over on the east side and myself in western Michigan.

We did that again this year for ten days and while the time away from our normal routines was nice, it was time for us to spend some quality time together away from home and free of everyday stresses.

It wasn’t hard to choose a destination that met both our requirements for a romantic weekend getaway; a one-tank trip; romantic, quiet setting but with plenty of sight-seeing opportunities; affordable lodging; historical significance (yep, I am the nerd who loves to learn-even on vacay); and in the Natural State as there is still SO much to explore here in our adopted home state.

Eureka!  Or, Eureka Springs to be more exact.

Click HERE to READ MORE about Thom and Gina’s sponsored getaway weekend in Eureka!