Give Me All The Stripes | Amy Gramlich

by Amy Gramlich

Today I’m sharing a handful of outfits which reveal my fondness for styling stripes. But first, here’s a little Amy secret that will probably surprise you. I used to hate stripes.

And…I used to hate all things black-and-white.

But don’t kick me to the curb just yet! I’ve changed.


Isn’t it funny how our tastes evolve around the trends around us? It’s almost scary when you really think about it!

Being 5 foot tall, I’m not saying horizontal stripes are the best ever decision for my closet. But, I just can’t turn away. The more stripes I see, the more I buy.

The ease of putting together a polished outfit is almost laughable when it comes to stripes. Just check out some of these outfits below. Surely, you can put some together quite easily with items from your own closet.