Gratitude Has Special Powers That Can Make Magic Happen {Blogger of the Month}

Written by Brittany Little, Miss November 2013


Gratitude has special powers that can make magic happen. Did you know that gratitude rewires the brain and allows you to see the world differently? That is pretty much like magic, right? The more you do it, the more your brain will tell you to do it again and again.
One thing I noticed about gratitude is that it changes you. You begin to see the good or maybeeven the great in things. You are happier with your life. You are happier at work. You are happier with your family. You are satisfied more. You aren’t sweating the small stuff as much.
Gratitude is powerful, folks! I hope you have experienced gratitude this month. If not, I am going to encourage you to do one more exercise.Write three thank you notes to someone you are thankful for. It could be your boss, co-worker, friend, spouse, family member, neighbor, or even that person you see each day where you get your Iced Tea. Not that I know anyone who is addicted to Iced Tea.
People who continue to express gratitude demonstrate increased purpose, devotion, zest and energy. Couldn’t we all use that in our life?