by Rhonda Franz, Miss June 2015
I’m nothing if not a lover of simple pleasures. When the going gets tough, I go after the things that make me smile: during the week, during the day, sometimes during one hour—things offer respite and refreshment, however small. Seeking out the good in the ordinary helps me out in such extraordinary ways.
Call them things to be thankful for, things to help cheer up a despondent disposition, or things that encourage peace and contentment. This is my current list of the simple pleasures of summer. What’s yours?
- Breakfast outside.
- Morning summer sun shining through a window.
- The dishwasher.
- Air conditioning.
- A less-scheduled season.
- The city pool.
- A public library.
- Vacation Bible School.
- Sidewalk chalk.
Summer and sidewalk chalk just go together.
- Fresh tomatoes from the garden.
- Fresh peaches from the orchard.
- Checking the blackberry bush every day.
- A relaxed meal plan.
- Popcorn and snack foods for when there isn’t a meal plan in sight.
- Supper outside.
- Paper plates.
- Sprinklers.
- Swings.
A boy on the swing at the park.
- A vacuum that sucks up all most of the daily summer dirt.
- Family outings.
- Summer date nights, even if rare.
- The smell of sunblock.
- Books around the house for everyone to read.
- Literacy, so we can read all those books.
- Quiet time (every day, after lunch).
- Meet-ups with friends at the park.
- A washing machine for all the sweaty summer laundry.
- Coupons for free summer treats for children from the doctor’s office (a decent trade-off for having to go to the doctor in the summer).
- Fun Facebook statuses of others’ family vacations.
- Summer rains.
Plants and flowers enjoying the frequent summer rains in northwest Arkansas this year.
- Lemonade.
- A free coffee reward on the Starbucks app at the start of summer anytime.
- An outdoor movie with friends.
What’s on your summer list of simple pleasures?
Wow! You’ve really managed to capture all the wonderful things I love about summer.