Sometimes we have to take a risk and turn down a road where we don’t know where it leads and the path looks rough. This shot was taken when we got lost in rural Kansas trying to find a wedding reception.This toad has lived in our backyard all summer. He takes the risk of getting killed by our dogs or drowning in their pool just so he can get something to drink (there are easier water sources available to him). Instead of leaning gingerly, he jumps in. There are days I can’t decide if that’s brave or crazy. Either way, a person can learn from a toad.
Jamie Smith blogs over at Jamie’s Thots, where she talks about all things life especially food, faith and personal growth. She’s owner of Jamie’s Notebook, her writing business where she offers news and feature writing, as well as business writing services. Jamie lives in Elkins with her husband, two dogs and two cats.
Maybe he wants to be on the swim team! Cute guy.
Isn’t he cute?