I have never doubted that I was loved. By God, by my parents, by my husband, my children, my friends.
But I have always doubted that I am wonderfully made.
That it is some sort of weird fluke that I love theology and glitter, decorating and liturgy, a yard of chickens and a house of worship, a dinner table jammed pack and a solitary retreat.
I have believed the lies that say that my love of pink diminishes my validity as a serious thinking person. That the intensity of my love for family and gatherings is a sign of an unrealistic Pollyanna-esque outlook. That posting pretty Instagram pictures means I am being fake.
But lately God has been arresting me in these man-made lies, reminding them that none of these things have come from him… READ MORE
Jerusalem Jackson Greer is a writer, blogger, speaker, and an Episcopal Family Minister. She is the author of At Home in this Life: Finding Peace at the Crossroads of Unraveled Dreams and Beautiful Surprises and A Homemade Year: The Blessings of Cooking, Crafting and Coming Together. Jerusalem, her husband Nathan, and their two boys Wylie and Miles live in rural Arkansas where they are attempting to live a slower version of modern life. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. She writes about all of this and more at jerusalemgreer.com.