Swift Kick in the Bloggy Pants

Sometimes, we need a swift kick in the pants. Most of the consultants and gurus out there providing counsel and support for bloggers do it with a warm and fairly encouraging tone. Debbie Arnold of Dining With Debbie shared a link to with some interesting – and blunt – perspective on things the author wishes all bloggers would do. Like it or not, agree or not, there are some good pointers. Check it out and tell us what you think! http://dukeo.com/10-things-i-wish-all-bloggers-i-read-would-do/

A side note: thank goodness for Debbie – she is our very own sort of Bloggy Gladys Kravitz – not nosy per se, but always peeking through the blinds and keeping an eye on trends in the blogosphere to share with us – we love it! Thanks for this and the other tips, Debbie! The rest of you: see below if you have a tip or two to share!

Tuesday Tips are not intended to reinvent the wheel and may not always be cutting edge to all of you – we just want to share some of the nifty things we run across on the blogosphere. We’re doing that uppity thing – curating – which in our minds is just a fancy interpretation of the mission of AWB to gather, grow and connect: gather you here, grow your voices and your lovely blogs, and connect you with one another and some helpful tips from time to time. If you run across an item you think would be worth posting, send it with subject “Tips” to beth@arkansaswomenbloggers.com. You can follow our “Tools & Tips” board on Pinterest or #AWBTips on Twitter. Share your fab finds and let us know what you think!


  1. Debbie says:

    Oh my! Now I have to add Snoop to my resume:) This is good advice — certainly some that I need to apply to my own blogs as well. I think all of us should always be striving toward improvement and welcome constructive criticism from those who possess skills we might not have. I know that I certainly want that. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This was a wonderful read. Made me feel good to find someone shooting straight from the hip like that. (Oh, I guess that’s a politically incorrect way of phrasing it, now. Too bad.)
    Thanks for all the work you all put into this site!!!

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