The Explorer | Colleen Cashio

by Colleen Cashio

Am I the only one who doesn’t want my kids to grow up? When Ezra was a newborn I wished that stage away. It truly was an awful experience. But when he hit 18 months I was praying I could freeze time. It is the best age. They are so sweet, so curious, + like a sponge soaking up everything. It’s also a bonus because they think mom knows best. Now Ezra is two and a half years old + I still love the age he’s in now. But I won’t lie, I can see slivers of himself changing + evolving in his boyhood. It absolutely breaks my heart. I think most moms would agree at some point we’ve thought about experimenting with freezing time and living in an age for the rest of our lives; I have at least. 

I have been reading “Wild Things the art of nurturing boys” + y’all, honestly I’ve debated about stopping after chapter 2. It is going through explaining the different stages in boyhood: what to expect, how to help, etc., etc., etc. And I literally thought to myself, maybe if I stop reading time will stay still and I won’t need to prepare for the next season because we can just stay nice + comfy right here. Sighhh… I know that’s not true or possible. This book is so helpful though; I wish I heard about it before Ezra turned 2. I come from a family of all girls, so I knew nothing about boys. Which is why I had a mild panic attack when I found out I was pregnant with a boy. Y’all, boys are so different than girls. Reading this book has helped me in understanding boys better + help change some things up that I am currently doing.