Tuesday Tech Tips: Pinteresting Statistics

Hopefully, you read the fantastic series our Julie ran last year about Pinterest if for some odd reason the site hadn’t already taken over your life.  We hope you’ve been able to strike a happy balance between visiting Pinterest for occasional inspiration and that you actually participating in real life by trying those fabulous crafts and recipes and fitness routines – no small feat!  Now that you are all veteran Pinterest users, maybe it’s time to make sure the site is not just a giant time suck, but something productive for your blog and your personal brand.  Peggy Bayer from Pork Chop Tuesday suggested we check out a recent post on the Pinterest blog introducing Pinterest web analytics.  Finally, validation for our obsession!

Tuesday Tech Tips are not intended to reinvent the wheel and may not always be cutting edge to all of you – we just want to share some of the nifty things we run across on the blogosphere.  We’re doing that uppity thing – curating – which in our minds is just a fancy interpretation of the mission of AWB to gather, grow and connect: gather you here, grow your voices and your lovely blogs, and connect you with one another and some helpful tips from time to time.  If you run across an item you think would be worth posting, send it with subject “Tips” to beth@arkansaswomenbloggers.com.  You can follow our “Tools & Tips” board on Pinterest or #AWBTips on Twitter.  Share your fab finds and let us know what you think!