Choosing Your Word ~ 2015

Words have power. I tell my boys that all the time. They have the power to lift you up, bring you down, criticize, enlighten, encourage, demean.  

Jacqueline Wolven introduced many of us to choosing a word for the year several years ago. Hop over and read about Looking for her Word  for 2015. By choosing a word for the year, I have been able to be more intentional, more focused on my life plans and work.  

Last year, I chose the word INSPIRE. As I look back and evaluate with a kind, loving eye (yes, we ladies like to be way too hard on ourselves), I feel good with my choice, with living up to what I set out to do.


As we begin the new year, I urge you to sit and contemplate what your word will be for 2015. What do you want your year to look like? 

You need a positive affirmation for the year and there is no better time than right now to SPEAK  IT sistahs! The word you choose can go past being a simple goal and  become part of  your outlook and actions, becoming a guiding light for your relationships, work, and well, who you are and what you are putting out into the world.

Write a post, create a graphic, scribble in a notebook, however you feel like getting it out there. And, guess what, it is alright if people do not get it, it is your word, it should mean something to you. We, YOUR community, want to be there to help encourage, celebrate, explore, praise, you know, all that KUMBAYA stuff I go on and on about all the time. So, link it up below. 

Inspired, now look out 2015, The Park Wife

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