Arachnophobia {Wordless Wednesday}

Scary by DAY.


Spookier by NIGHT!image

(**Please know I had to have psychological counseling from the Hubs before and after taking these photos. The proximity to the subject placed me at risk of us coming in contact – a daunting task I have never before considered!)

imageJodi Coffee, who blogs at The Coffee House, is the mom to three beautiful and energetic little girls that ALWAYS gives her something to blog about. She loves to try new things – food, travel and adventure.

In her spare time…wait a minute. What is that?She enjoys training for triathlons. She has signed up to do her first marathon in December. She is a backyard farmer, a farmer’s market manager, and enjoys helping bring healthy opportunities to the community.


  1. Spiders are so Scary to me that I would need counseling, too, to get those pictures! I have a physical reaction to them as in cringe and feel sick to my stomach! So well done! Great photos!

  2. Zipper spiders! (At least we always called them that!) I think these are the kind mentioned in Charlotte’s Web, aren’t they?
    I love finding these beauties in my garden because they eat grasshoppers, which ruin my herbs.
    Bring ’em on! 😉

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