AWB Handmade Ornament Swap {Secret Santa}

It’s Christmastime!  The last of the Thanksgiving leftovers have been served and you survived the Black Friday mad rush. Christmas lights have been lit and we’re now in the full swing of Christmas.  It’s the perfect time of year to spread a little bit of holiday cheer to one of your AWB sisters!

AWB Handmade Ornament Swap {Secret Santa}

This week we’re giving you the chance to show off your craftiness and surprise an AWB pal with a handmade ornament.  The ornament need not be fancy or complicated.  It’s just a chance for you to share a little something with a fellow blogger. Enter your information in the form below before midnight on Thursday, November 29. On Saturday you will receive an email with the address of your secret pal.  You will have until December 10th to mail your ornament to your secret pal.  On December 17th we will each blog about the ornaments we received and we will provide a Linky so you can check out everyone’s posts.

If you’re not that crafty, don’t worry.  We’ve created a Pinterest board full of handmade ornament ideas!  Check it out here.

May I send more than one ornament?

Only one ornament is required. If you would like to send several you are more than welcome to.  If you would like to include any extra little goodies you may, but this is not required!  If you do include something extra, please keep the total cost of the box contents below $10.

How do I sign up?

If you wish to participate, please sign up using the form below.  Remember, the deadline to sign up is this Thursday, November 29.

By filling out the form you agree to the following:

  1. You will make an ornament and send it to your fellow blogger.
  2. You will mail your ornament no later than December 10th.
  3. You will not reveal who you are sending to or whom you received from until December 17th.
  4. You will publish a blog post about what you received along with a link to the blog of the sender on December 17th.

Happy Swapping!
This swap is now closed. Join us again next year!

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