Happy Thanksgiving From AWB

I think I speak for all of us (Julie, Stephanie, Beth and Fawn(who claims to have moved away to Missouri but I refuse to believe it)) when I say,

  1. I am clearly no good at punctuation, grammar or spelling. Thanks for putting up with me!
  2. Arkansas Women Bloggers is growing into something totally amazing.
  3. We have loved getting to know all of you in real life and online.
  4. Arkansas Women Bloggers is what it is because of YOU!

We are so thankful that you have chosen to jump on this wild ride with us and that you have helped us to grow Arkansas Women Bloggers into something that is becoming even more amazing each day.  We love and appreciate each and every one of you no matter how small of a part you play in all that is AWB.  From those of you who follow us on Facebook and Twitter, to those who read our blog, to those who read the blogs of our members.  We appreciate those of you who have attended our conferences and meetups and those of you who couldn’t but wanted to.  We appreciate those of you whom have submitted posts and those of you that participated in our recent Blogging Challenges.  We even appreciate those of you that are lurking in the shadows and have yet to make yourself known!

We are thankful for you and hope that you have the opportunity to spend today reflecting on what is wonderful in your life because too often we get bogged down in the negative.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of Arkansas Women Bloggers!


Julie, Stephanie, Beth and yes, even Fawn!


  1. Angie says:

    I am so THANKFUL for all of you! I love AWB. I love the support you give all of us and how you keep us all connected. I’ve made so many friends through AWB, and I’ve had opportunities of all kinds that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. THANK YOU!

  2. Debbie says:

    I second everything Angie said. Please know how much all of us respect and appreciate your work efforts and organizational skills. You are tops!

  3. nwafoodie says:

    This is a special special site filled with special special people and wonderful leadership.

    My sister, Stacey at StormFlightDesigns, worked with Beth, Stephanie, and Julie for the AWBU conference in designing AWBU jewelry. She was *completely impressed* with working with you all through the conference details. It made me proud to be connected to you all.

    Thanks to all of the lovely gals of ARWB for your great stories and overall support! Keep rockin’ on with your bad selves!



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