Love of Arkansas {Finding Gratitude}

Written by Brittany Little, Miss November 2013


Do you ever travel outside the region and people inquire where you are from? I have a great amount of pride when I tell everyone I am from Arkansas. I try to explain how beautiful of a state it is and how great the people are, but you really just have to see it to believe it. Arkansas is one of those states that surprises people. It is so beautiful in all four seasons.

Have you noticed lately how many people have Arkansas pride? We have always had Hog pride, but now it is just as trendy to put the great state of Arkansas on a shirt with a big heart. I have even found myself owning two necklaces with the state being center attention.

We have diamonds, technology, industry, enterprise, and entrepreneur spirit like no other. Arkansas has rivers, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, caves, and a ton of wildlife. Also, we have state parks and world-renowned museums that are magical.

I remember when I was little, I would tell my dad how much I loved the beach, and how I thought we should just live there. My dad knew I loved the beach, but he always responded that I would miss those hills and mountains in Arkansas. Now I know what he means each time I come home from a trip, there really is no place like home in Arkansas.

What is your favorite thing about Arkansas?

P.S. I love Arkansas-based companies, which is why I am hosting a Petit Jean Meats (of Morrilton, AR) Peppered Ham giveaway on my blog. Please check it out and enter the giveaway!



  1. Jeanetta says:

    After college my husband and I were moved around via the USAF to California and later to Texas. I always had one drive in my heart during those 10 years away and that was to get back to Arkansas. To the land, to the people. Right now I’m looking out my office window relishing in the fall colors. We didn’t really get those when we were away. I love that people are surprised at Arkansas. And that they keep coming back.

  2. Not being originally from Arkansas, I took years and years to see the beauty here. Moving from the rolling hills of Missouri, I really felt more like the beauty in E. Texas was my cup of tea. I felt hemmed in by all the trees, never saw the unending blue sky, never saw a sunrise or sunset, nearly died of mosquitos, and cannot abide armadillos. However, I’ve been here now, for nearly 40 years and it grows on a person. I learned to stand in a clearing and look up to see the sky filtered through pine boughs. I learned the beauty of trees silhouetted in a sunset. And I learned to appreciate (truly appreciate) whatever shade could be found, for its coolness during 120 degree summers. I like those things. But what I most love about Arkansas is that I found the Lord, here.
    Cannot ever really complain, if He’s here, can I? 😉

  3. Alana G says:

    I could not agree more! Since I was young, I knew I wanted to raise a family in Arkansas just like I was raised. Fall is definitely my favorite season in Arkansas and I was very happy when it actually felt like we had a fall this year.

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