New Year, New Phase of Life: The Return to Work {New Year, New You}

New Year, New Phase of Life: The Return to Work {New Year, New You}
Written by Stephanie McCratic of Evolved Mommy

At the beginning of 2011 I started to feel like I needed to be doing something professionally. My year-and-a-half old daughter had a calendar packed with play dates; I had started a new mommy group with scheduled speakers, childcare, crafts and bonding activities; but I needed something more.

Freelance writing seemed like a natural transition. My blog had been gaining readership steadily over the past couple years, and I had done some freelance magazine writing and public relations work years ago.

A friend had also talked me into starting a jewelry home show business. The money was good and it forced me to get out of the house and socialize with people whom I’d never met. It’s not anything that I’m terribly proud of, but it taught me some good lessons.

After a whirlwind and dizzying year I now find myself gainfully employed as a social media strategist for a local marketing firm. And, no kidding, some of the biggest national clients I’ve landed have come to me directly because of my home show business.

The beauty of the situation is that my schedule is a flexible 30 hours per week. I started at 20 hours per week, which was a nice way to transition back to an office /day job setting. Now at the current 30 hour schedule I still get one weekday off with my toddler-turning-preschooler. If I were working 40 hours per week I would only see her for the 2-3 hours between when she gets home and when she goes to bed each night.

This arrangement is fantastic for our family, and it isn’t an option with every job. Although, I think it should be more common than it is.

How is my day different today than it was last year at this time:

Then                                                Now

stretchy clothes                            Heels
10 am play dates                           7 am professional development groups
Nap strikes                                       anxious clients and lost emails
Quality time with baby               Stimulating adult conversation


Returning to work isn’t for everyone at this stage, in just the same way that staying home isn’t for everyone.

Life has changed drastically in the last two month:

–          My body weight has increase, I’m assuming from stress eating or maybe business lunches or possibly even just winter.
–          My schedule is still a little wonky.
–          My husband and I haven’t yet figured out who takes our daughter to childcare and picks her up on what days.
–          The people I see regularly are changing (and this is the hardest part). I rarely see my mommy friends these days.

Hopefully, the dust will settle soon and the mental, emotional and financial rewards will be more obviously apparent.

No matter what, though, I still want a nap at 2:00 p.m.


Stephanie McCratic is the author of, where she writes about technology, trends and (mostly) non-sense for the modern mom. She has recently returned to work after two years as a stay-at-home mom. Her official title is Community Shepherd, but that’s just fancy, marketing speak for social media strategist at The Belford Group in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where she tweets and blogs professionally.


  1. Jody says:

    Life is about balance. And work/life balance is the hardest to achieve. Sounds like you are transitioning well. I’m sure your cool co-workers have something to do with that!

  2. Jacqueline says:

    Making that transition is hard, but the reasons behind it seem so perfect. It isn’t that you don’t love being a mom, you just needed a little more. Honorable. Now, figure out the bugs and you’ll be golden. PS, you eat more in office situations… That will mellow out too! Can’t wait to hear a 6 month update.

  3. Jesse says:

    Thanks for sharing, as a girl of 35 growing her first baby (due in May), I’m really curious about other women’s experience with loving parenting vs missing the rest of life. Makes me wish I still lived in a commune where these things blend seamlessly, since I don’t see myself putting on heels!

  4. Lyndi says:

    I think your comments just prove that you picked the right name for your blog…. evolved! Hang in there, it will smooth out (yeah, right!).

    Good post. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great post. I’ve been struggling with returning to work this year- but after staying home for 15 yrs it’s so hard to know what to do! Writing seems like the way I’m gonna go. Yep, no heels here either.

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