Nikki’s Blog Crushes {Blogger of the Month}

Written by February 2013 Blogger of the Month, Nikki Brewer of Just Lovely.

Hello February!

I love the month of February! It is the month that we can be mushy and gushy … for no specific reason other than it is February! The month of Love!

I know when I started blogging…I started on a whim. I wanted to try it and see how it went. I blogged for a long time not knowing anyone else in Arkansas even knew what a blog was so I never really took it seriously…


I met Gwen from The Lynns in Real Life


I taught her son in preschool. When we had our class Christmas party, she gave me a Christmas card. I loved it. I loved all the Christmas cards I received, but let me remind you…that I had 12 kids in my class..and…all those kids were 3-year-olds and hyped up on sugar!
*Visualize that*

But, Gwen’s Christmas card caught my eye because she had the URL to her blog on there which immediately resulted in a bloggy conversation..and we have been friends ever since!

She was my first Bloggy Crush!

Ha Ha..If she is reading this..she is probably laughing her head off right now!
Hi Gwen!

Then who wouldn’t fall in love with Gina from Desperately Seeking {gina} after hearing about her awesome proposal at the AWB Bloggy Conference.
{insert Awww}


I know right! How stinking sweet is that!? Even though right now Gina is planning a wedding and she thinks that it is taking up her time or something..she has taken a little hiatus from her blog..but I am anxiously awaiting her return!
Hi Gina!

Jenny from Blessings & Raindrops completely captured my heart with her timeline of her adoption story. I love reading about her day to day life and I am so thankful that there are people like her still in our world!  She definitely has many blessings and I know many more will come her way!!
Hi Jenny!


Ashley from The Ederington Family makes me feel bad  motivates me to run…so I hop on over to her blog when I need a push to get out the door and exercise.
Hi Ashley!


It really has been so awesome meeting all of you at AWB!! If it wasn’t for you my blog would still be weak and barely breathing. Thank you for being my crushes, answering newbie questions, and giving my blog a home! I love you all!!

Nikki Brewer. Miss February, is an Arkansas gal who lives for Jesus and loves Dr. Pepper.  Nikki’s blog Just Lovely is a wonderful compilation of crafts, photos, book reviews, fashion and organization tips.  Nikki began her blog in 2008 when she was pregnant with her daughter, Lyla.  Her blog has really evolved and changed over the years and has become something that is Just Lovely.


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