Putting Wings on Your Dreams

Putting Wings on Your Dreams
Written by ARWB May 2012 Blogger of the Month. Ruthanne Genco of Eclectic Whatnot.

I am a dreamer.

Big, crazy dreams.

Small, almost insignificant dreams.

And every dream in between.

Only within the last year have I started to verbalize my dreams, but I’ve always dreamed.

My dreams have changed over the years just as I’ve changed.

At one time, my dreams were only about myself. Now, my dreams involve my husband, our marriage and our children.

When we dream up plans and goals for our future, it gives our life a focused pursuit. It keeps us from becoming stagnant. It keeps us growing as individuals.

Don’t let your dreams just stay safely tucked away inside your head. Take action. Put wings on your dreams and let them take flight.

You want to be an artist? Buy some paint.

You want to be a writer? Start writing.

You want to be a runner? Train your body.

You want to be a pianist? Sign up for lessons.

Yes, there will be work involved. Learn to embrace it.

Yes, there will be cost involved. Learn to prepare for it.

And yes, there will be setbacks and disappointments involved. Learn to find the joy in the midst of the journey.

All of those things are part of making your dreams become a reality.

What would I tell myself at eighteen just out of high school?

The same thing I tell myself today ~ Dream big, dream often and never stop.

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