Rest in the Chaos {Back in My Day}

By Tammie of Chaos to Christ

back in my day

Recently I had an opportunity to share a personal story with my teenage daughter thinking it would help give her perspective on a current situation she was dealing with. She was so engaged while I was talking that I felt like I was making a difference. One of those rare moments where I felt like a great mom, a capable mom, one who could lead my teenager through this sometimes chaotic life journey. But that prideful feeling I experienced was short lived. After I was done talking, my daughter sat there for a minute. Then she said, “I love your stories, Mom, they’re so OLD.” Ouch!

And while I am really quite young (that term continues to apply to me even though the birthdays seem to come faster and faster) and determined to age gracefully, I understood what she meant. Sometimes stories and reflections from the past do not seem to be as applicable to our lives today. The world we live in is constantly shifting and changing. And what might have made sense “back in my day” may not seem as helpful today (definitely my hairstyles and clothing choices!).

What I find truly amazing is that every time I open my Bible and read from the pages filled with wisdom, grace, and encouragement is that it is just as applicable today even though it was written over 2000 years ago (speaking of aging gracefully!). My fears and struggles, my doubts and worries, my life of chaos are completely addressed through the scripture. Spending time with Christ in prayer and Bible study each day takes my sometimes weary and burdened heart and exchanges it for peace and soul rest.

matthew 11:28-30

Does this sound familiar – hectic schedules, overwhelming responsibilities, and massive to-do lists? Waking up in the night worrying about what you weren’t able to get done, what you did wrong, and what the future holds.

This is the chaos of our lives. But there is hope. It is found only in Christ. He is calling us to a life of peace and soul rest even among the chaos.

Consider joining me on this journey of keeping a focus on Christ. Open your Bible and discover that He wants to provide you with daily encouragement that is just as applicable today as ever.
Tammie Signature

TammieI’m a thankful mom of 2 kids and have been blessed with a very encouraging husband of 23 years. Just like many of you, my days are packed! During the day, I take care of bank customers and prospects. In the afternoons and evenings, I take care of my family and work on volunteer projects. But my favorite part of each day is first thing in the morning, where I spend dedicated time with my Savior. Consider subscribing to receive biweekly encouraging devotionals at (facebook)
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  1. Wait until your grandchildren are in their twenties to even think about feeling old! Mine are and I work hard at enjoying being what ever age I am at the time. I feel much the same inside, but I look different in the mirror! I love the point you make that God’s Word is fresh for each generation and for each season of our lives. Remember how old your mother might have seemed when you were your daughter’s age. It might help a little. Good post.

    • Tammie says:

      Thank you Dorothy for your kind words and your good advice! I do feel fairly young and in good health so I’ll go with that and feel good about this season of life!!

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