Sarabeth Jones – Miss June 2013

So here’s the thing: I’ve put off writing this ‘let me introduce myself’ post until the night before it was due. Actually, that’s not true. It was due tonight and I got an extension. I’ve tried to start this paragraph about 15 different ways and they all sound ridiculous. I just said, out loud, “I’m horrible at writing about myself.”

And then I remembered that I’m a blogger. Oh, the irony.


If you know me already, none of this is a surprise to you. If you don’t, well then, welcome. I’m Sarabeth Jones – a procrastinating, ridiculous, contradiction-in-terms. I am a few other things too: actor, director, designer, photographer, organizer of flash mobs – also mother, daughter, sister, friend. Pretty much I enjoy doing any creative thing that I can get myself into; it might surprise you to know that I work for a church that lets me do exactly that.It’s a pretty wonderful place.

I have become used to being asked if I am Bryan Jones’ wife, even though I’m the North Little Rock native and he is the transplanted Texan. I guess it comes with the territory: he’s 6 foot 6 and the funniest person I’ve ever met, so he tends to leave an impression. We’ve been married almost 20 years and have 3 kids: Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Will. They go to a great year-round charter school in Little Rock, which means that as of mid-July we will have a junior, a freshman, and a 7th grader. That’s right, it’s hormone city at our house. Here’s a recent picture of us:


Story of my life. Somebody is always overacting.

Speaking of, my blog is It’s called that because I love that moment when the lights go down and the curtain comes up. I love it whether I’m on stage or in the audience, because either way, the story is about to begin. I see life as a series of scenes: some with fabulous costumes, some with witty lines, others that I wish I could edit out. Sometimes I can almost hear the laugh track…

I’m thrilled to be the Blogger of the Month for June. June is the best month of the year because it involves my birthday, and summer, and a chair by the pool. There also might be cold drinks and a good book. But I digress. I’m also thrilled about June because I’ll be back all month here at AWB, and the theme is life adventures, travel, and vacations – which are all things I happen to adore.

In addition to blogging, I spend way too much time scrolling through Instagram and laughing along with my Twitterfeed. I try not to pick fights on Facebook, and frankly, I’m terrible at Pinterest. At one point this year I had Klout in margaritas, Jamaica, and Justin Timberlake. It was pretty much my proudest moment to date.

Wanna hang out? Here’s some links:

the dramatic (email subscriptionRSS feedBloglovin’)
InstagramTwitterFacebookPinterest (consider yourself warned)



  1. Debbie says:

    I love Sarabeth Jones more than The Park Wife:) There is more…I think she is one of the funniest people I know. Thank you. That is all.

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