START By Being Honest

By Emily Jones of Grow A Leader

We tell ourselves the same lies. I’ll start tomorrow. I’ll start Monday. I’ll get around to it later.

Whether it’s losing weight, finishing a project, eating healthier, or making any significant change, we give ourselves a future date to fail. We say we’re going to start, but let’s be honest. How many times have you actually started? Or maybe you did start. You started and it lasted a few days or a couple of weeks until you stopped and made something else a priority.

The truth is that we set ourselves up for failure more often than success by making hollow promises that we’re going to do better, be better, try harder, and really make a change. We want things to be different, but we speak in generalities. How do you measure better? Working harder? These are vague statements that we make with good intentions that end up leaving us frustrated and in surrender.

To start we first need to assess where we are. To lose weight, measure yourself. To run a marathon, test how far you can go. Take a pre-test to specifically and analytically look at where you are as of today.

Next, set reasonable goals for yourself. Ensure that these are achievable and healthy for you both physically and mentally. Prepare yourself that the greatest achievements are won over time, not overnight. Set many small goals instead of one large one, and take into account setbacks. Cheat days, injuries, mistakes… these are not failures, but rather experiences and obstacles to learn and grow from.

After the goals are set, list out actionable next steps that should occur. Review each one to ensure that you are setting yourself up for success and as many quick wins as possible. Don’t set yourself up to fail or pretend that you will be able to do more than possible in the beginning.

Find an accountability partner. You don’t have to announce your plans to the world, but find one or two people to discuss your goals with. Make sure that these are people who will be your biggest supporters as well as your challenging coaches. Surround yourself with people who will push you to the next level and not accept excuses on making progress. These should be positive thinkers who believe in you, not negative downers. You will have enough negative voices in your head.

Remember that no day will be perfect. Don’t wait for the perfect weather, perfect time, perfect place, or perfect scenario. Just start. Even the smallest of actions is greater than none at all. Don’t wait for tomorrow, start now. Start as soon as you’re done reading this article. Start and encourage others to do the same.

Your goals and your biggest dreams will take time to accomplish. Time will pass whether or not you work towards them. A month, six months, or a year from now, where will you be? Still breaking promises to yourself or proud that you started and are continuing on this great journey? Be an inspiration to others. Show them what can be accomplished by just starting.

Most importantly, start by being honest with yourself.

imageEmily Jones is a Revenue Cycle leader within the Fort Smith, AR community. She launched the Grow a Leader blog with the intent of sharing leadership insight and advice for young and growing leaders. Her passion is working with others on personal and leadership development. She is married with four children, ages 3 – 12. She enjoys writing, reading fiction and leadership novels, and is venturing into entrepreneurship.


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