Tag: family favorite

Keisha McKinney: Goulash – A Family Favorite


“Sometimes you make a recipe a certain way because that’s the way your family has eaten it for generations.” This was where my mom and I landed in a recent conversation about GOULASH.

Alexa would tell you Goulash is a dish of stewed meat and spices. Google would give you a lengthy list of all kinds of international recipe variations from far and wide. Pinterest, the new Google, will show you people like me who share all they’ve ever known to call a family staple, a family favorite if you will.

Goulash, at least our variation of it, is something I’ve had all my life. My mom tells me its just something that my grandmother made and, frankly, whether it was coming home from college or the week I had my baby, it’s a meal always on my request list to my mama. This week she has been here for her Spring Break and when we did a little meal planning last Friday, it was added to the list. My grandmother would tell you that she used tomato paste and water, but I’ve never seen this made with anything but ketchup. I guess since my grandparents lived out of town, it was easier to make it with what she always had on hand and that was a bottle of ketchup. Growing up, I always had this served with peas (purple hull or black eyed) and cornbread. READ MORE


Keisha McKinney


Keisha (Pittman) McKinney lives in South Arkansas with her husband and sweet Boxer, Bailey and….a new baby boy! Keisha is remembering what it’s like to plan ahead for shopping trips to “the city,” getting resourceful at her small town Walmart and creating online shopping personas everywhere. She blogs @bigpittstop about daily adventures, cooking escapades, #bigsisterchats, the social justice cases on her heart, and all that she is learning as a #boymom!

Blog –bigpittstop: new journey, new normal, new you –  http://www.bigpittstop.com/

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