Setting Attainable Goals Written by Julie of Eggs and Herbs
As January comes to a close some of you may have already left those New Year’s Resolutions in the dust. Many times the problem with the resolutions we make are that we create a goal that is too unattainable in the short term. We set BIG goals for ourselves and when we have SMALL setbacks we give up. While some people may be able to set a goal they know will take months or possibly even years to accomplish and plug along without thinking twice; most of us need short-term attainable goals.
Today I want to to revisit those resolutions or intentions you’ve set for yourself and then try to break them down into more attainable bits.
Here is my BIG goal for 2012: Lose 30 or more pounds.
Is this goal possible? Absolutely!
Will I reach it in a month or two? Not likely.
Will I have setbacks? Probably.
So how can I make my goal to lose 30 or more pounds more attainable? For me what works is setting SMALL goals that will eventually lead to a better/healthier lifestyle and I include a reward when I reach that goal.
Here are my SMALL attainable goals:
Goal 1: Drink AT LEAST a liter of water every day and avoid soda.
Reward: At the end of the week (if I have reached my short term goal) I allow myself to have one glass of Soda as a treat. If I have not – I skip the reward soda.
Goal 2: Work out at least 3 times a week.
Reward: Each time I work out using a prescribed plan I pay myself $2.50. If I maintain my workout plan I should have saved enough money for a one hour massage at my favorite spa at the end of February. If I haven’t reached my goal – no massage!
I believe that by making these small changes I can eventually lose the 30 pounds I wish to rid myself of while at the same time changing my life to allow me to keep those 30 pounds OUT of my future life!
As this month comes to a close, don’t disregard the resolutions you were not able to keep. Instead, reevaluate them and set new, smaller, more attainable goals for yourself.
What choice are you going to make? {New Year, New You} Written by Whitney Sutherland of Running with Whit.
Hey there! Happy New Year to you all. As a runner I sometimes skip out on setting New Year’s resolutions. For me, a resolution is just a goal and you can set goals whenever you want! While I train throughout the year, I tend to set most of my fitness goals during the warmer months when I’m doing races. I vary from year to year but generally I will pick a distance or speed that I want to train for and will work towards achieving that goal over a couple of months or even the year. For instance last year, my goal was to complete a Half Ironman.
Two years ago, my goals were more focused on running and I was working hard to run faster across various distances. It was a year full of highs and lows and one that helped me learn one of the most powerful secrets to running and in some ways life too.
I had been training for the Route 66 Half Marathon in Tulsa that year as my goal race and I really wanted to set a new PR or personal record. (A PR is the best time that you have ever run for a specific race distance.) My training that year went awesome! My running partner Anne and I had perfected our training plan and we were both feeling strong and injury free throughout the weeks leading up to the race. The goals that I set for the race reflected my training, preparation, and desire to PR:
A) Finish under 2:10
B) Finish in 2:12 range
C) Finish within 1 min above/below my PR of 2:14
D) To Finish
Race weekend came around and the weather was warm, humid, and very windy. I woke up race morning tired after hardly sleeping due to nerves. As I waited for the shuttle to the starting line I struggled to feel the confidence I should have felt. I met up with my running partner and she pumped me up…sadly it didn’t last. The course was wet with the humidity and within the first few miles I developed a side stitch and my head became full of negative thoughts. As much I as tried to listen to Anne, I couldn’t shake the grumpy thoughts and I wasn’t even running my goal pace. At mile 3 of 13.1, I officially gave up. I sent Anne on her way and then I struggled to the finish.
At 2:23:16, my time wasn’t awful but it was about 8 minutes slower than my C goal and 13 minutes slower than my A goal. I did finish so at least I had that going for me! I was really proud of Anne who picked up the pace and finished in 2:09:45 but I was embarrassed that I had combusted in such a big way. Even worse was that I knew I had to tell my friends, coach, and the blog world of my failure to PR. From the minute the race had started, I let the pressure of trying to PR get in my head and I listened to that voice inside that told me “You can’t do it.” “You can’t keep up this pace.” “You should walk.” Etc.
I took a few days to figure it all out and knew that I wanted to try again because I knew I could conquer this mental meanie in my head telling me that I couldn’t do it. I found another race one month away in Springfield, MO and made secret plans to run. I didn’t tell many people about it because I wanted to do this for me…to show myself that I am capable of setting a goal and accomplishing it. The race course was a 4 loop course around a college campus so I broke my goal down to hit 33 minutes per loop (which would equal a 2:12 finish.) This let me think about the race in smaller chunks and it wasn’t as overwhelming. The whole race I avoided checking my pace except for when I completed a loop. I used the other participants to keep myself in the moment each lap. I finished the race in a time of 2:09:05 which was a 5 minute PR and a definite improvement over the previous month. I walked away from that race knowing that I had a wonderful power…I could make the choice to succeed, to have positive self-talk, to accomplish my goals, and to PR!!!
Post race and proud of my huge PR!
The combination of these two races taught me how important the mental aspect is in the things that we do whether it is fitness, relationships, work, etc. Now when I am in a tough situation, I know that I can make the decision to react to it better. Some of my Route 66 issues were things I couldn’t control and I failed that day because I gave up on what I could control…me! I made a choice to listen to that voice of self-doubt that we all have instead of the voice that knew how strong I was. This race will always be dear to me because without it I would never have run the second race and discovered the power of my mental strength.
As you reflect on your resolutions and goals, I hope you make the choices you need to in order to be successful each and every day. You are stronger and more powerful than you know, just trust in yourself! Don’t worry if you are behind or have given up on that resolution already. Regroup, break it down into smaller pieces and try again. Best of luck and Happy New Year, New You!
Whitney blogs at Running with Whit about her journey through the highs and lows of life as a runner and triathlete. She loves to spend time with her friends who motivate and coach her through races and life. You can find her on Twitter @runningwhit.
Intentional Resolutions {New Year, New You} Written by Heidi Clark of The Busy Nothings.
I hate New Years Resolutions.
I took a personalty test last fall and discovered my driving force is passion… followed closely by rebellion. Wait- what? Rebellion? How is that… good? SO… I’m passionately… rebellious at times and one of said times is around New Years when everyone around me is cheerily listing all the things that they are going to do better at in the New Year. Exercise, eating, you name it. I rolled my eyes at them. It seems so cheesy and like everyone puts off doing what they know is right until January 1st, then are overwhelmed with all the change at once and when they stumble or fail, feel bad then scrap the whole deal. It always seemed silly and I have obnoxiously told people in the past I made a resolution to never make a resolution.
But then, I realized I HAD been making New Years Resolutions, hypocrite that I am, just subconsciously over the year and in my own passively rebellious way:
– I started the Couch to 5K in November. I am not a runner and always spouted off that people who liked to run were probably running from some major issues in their lives. The fact is that I like to challenge myself and I wanted to see if I could ever run again and actually enjoy it too. I don’t really enjoy it yet, but I love the feeling of accomplishment that I have gotten from this fairly easy program. It’s amazing! Part of the reason that I started it in November was because my 61-year-old father told me he was training for a 5K. I was like- “Ummm- NO way my old dad will be in better shape than me!” and now we have a playful competition in which he’s totally smoking me… The other reason I decided to start running in November was to be ahead of all the people who were going to start in January. Wow. My lack of maturity staggers me at times. There’s that little rebellion with equal parts a competitive nature.
-I have not purchased new clothing from a store in MONTHS and have decided not to as long as I can, which is a part of a lot of people’s Resolution- to spend less. This has been partly because my husband lost his job last summer so I couldn’t afford to and partly because I thought it’d be a challenge to scour garage sales, local thrift and goodwill stores and see if I could still look trendy. Plus- I can buy MORE clothes for less money! Yes, an obvious fact to many! It’s a lot more fun of a challenge now that my husband has a job again! This has become a regular series on my blog as I find new ways to re-use old clothes, upcycle and accessorize cheaply.
-I have gone Gluten Free. OK, that is not a new thing actually. I cheat occasionally, but overall I’ve been Gluten Free for over a year now. What IS a new thing is trying recipes that involve some “from scratch” cooking. Don’t get me wrong- I cook from scratch a lot but when it comes to *baking* Gluten Free I’ve been a ‘from the box’ kind of girl. I baked some things from scratch that were horrible and some (a few) that were great and this year is about trying new things and experimenting in the effort to be healthier and save money. Failure is OK, I’m not perfect, (is what I keep telling myself).
-and speaking of FAILURE, I’ve started counting calories. This year. This could be viewed as some as a New Years Resolution… but it isn’t. It’s simply a decision that I made the first week of the New Year. Weird coincidence, huh? 🙂 This is hard for me- once again my rebellious nature growls at the shackles of restriction, especially in an area that I love: FOOD. But what I’ve found out almost 2 weeks in and 4 lbs less, is that it WORKS. There is freedom in self control that I have found more liberating than a bag of chips and spinach dip ever did. Barely, and not every day, but I’ve realized that I actually enjoy food more now! My goal is to be at the place where I’ve learned portion control, but in my busy, emotional eating world, counting is helping me a lot right now.
The last few year I’ve felt reactionary to everything. My husband, my little boys, and LIFE. This year I want to be more intentional- and it starts with taking care of myself. This list may seem a little selfish to some but it’s when I’m whole and healthy that I can pour out to others in a good way and my family benefits the most. I am rebellious and committing to change can be hard for me. I may joke around a lot, but the fact is that I passionately love life and want to live it in the fullest possible way and that does start with change. Which I’m making in a very non- New Year’s Resolution kind of way. 🙂
I’m Heidi, I’m a thirty-something wife and mom. I’m passionate about my boys, one of who has a rare genetic disorder which led me to cook much healthier and gluten free. I love being real and writing about my couch to 5k journey, finding fashion from thrift stores and garage sales and occasionally picking up a good DIY project. I decorate and free-lance write in my spare time. You can read more about me on my blog The Busy Nothings.
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let each near year find you a better man. ~ Benjamin Franklin
As you stride boldly into 2012, you’ve no doubt given some consideration to resolutions. According to The Barna Group last year, more than 60% of Americans have made resolutions at some point in their lives (although only 1 in 4 cited success and long-term change). As you consider losing weight, getting control of your finances, being healthier or other traditional resolutions, why not add some green to your goals?
Happily, it’s no longer considered strange to care about the environment, and it is certainly no longer a preference aligned with a particular political party. We’re even moving past sustainability being considered a fad or a trend that the general public, i.e. consumers, subscribe to without careful examination. There is still plenty of “green-washing” out there, but now it is perfectly normal for a family to make greener choices that have positive impact on the natural world and make practical sense for your bank account.
Best of all, we’ve got a giveaway to help you get started on your greener path! Blue Avocadois a nifty company making eco-chic products for shopping, lunches and more, and they are the real deal. Their products are reusable and washable, and come with an eco-label (and substantial information on the website) to help you understand all the steps they’ve taken to make their products truly sustainable, practical and dependable.
Whether you make or break your resolutions or resolve not to make any in the first place, these bloggers will certainly give you pause for thought as they share their hopes, goals, dreams and intentions for the New Year.
Did you have a 2011 Review Post or a Resolution post that we missed? Send us a link to julie@arkansaswomenbloggers and we will add it later this month.
Do you have a post on your blog that you would love to share with our readers? Each Wednesday we are featuring several posts from our archives as well as your archives. If you would like to submit a post for our Retro Wednesday feature please email a short excerpt (300 characters or less) along with a link to the post, your name, and blog title to with “Retro Wednesday” in the subject line. Please note that we will keep an ongoing list of Retro Wednesday posts and may not be able to notify you regarding the specific day on which your link will appear. Additionally, if you are interested in submitting original content for our site, check out our Posting Guidelines.
Looking for a great Cabernet Sauvignon? The Louis M. Martini Cabernet Sauvignon pairs wonderfully with steak and warm winter foods and has flavors of dark berries and fruits. Recommended by Macadoodle’s wine tasting bar experts! Sonia writes Freya’s Keeper – a blog all about great wines!
Most of us make New Year’s resolutions. Some we stick with and some we don’t. In 2010, Melissa of Melissa Runs, set out to make the Best Resolutions Ever. At the end of the year she reflected on those resolutions in her post 2010 Resolution Round Up. Go see how she did!
Do you have a post on your blog that you would love to share with our readers? Each Wednesday we are featuring several posts from our archives as well as your archives. If you would like to submit a post for our Retro Wednesday feature please email a short excerpt (300 characters or less) along with a link to the post, your name, and blog title to with “Retro Wednesday” in the subject line. Please note that we will keep an ongoing list of Retro Wednesday posts and may not be able to notify you regarding the specific day on which your link will appear. Additionally, if you are interested in submitting original content for our site, check out our Posting Guidelines.