Good morning! We’ve just finished up a yummy breakfast from @PetitJeanMeats! SITSGirls Tiffany Romero @TiffanyRom and Francesca Banducci @FranBanducci gave welcoming remarks. This is the 15th Boot Camp – these gals know what they are doing!
This post is a “live blog” of the Top Ten Tips for Blogging Success session at Bloggy Boot Camp Dallas. Please excuse all typos and format issues. We’re live!
Presenter: Laurie Turk @TipJunkie – Introduced as being ahead of the curve in everything social media and technical. Laurie is super outgoing and friendly, and truly believes in paying it forward. http://tipjunkie.com
Top 10 Blogging Tips – (keep your mind open when thinking about how you can apply these to your blog)
1. Know what industry you are in. McDonalds is the largest single owner of real estate in the world. They are not in the business of food, they’re in the business of real estate. YOU are in the business of online real estate. Your content has to be great, but people have to SEE it in order for your blog to be successful. As we learn and grow, our blog will grow too.
Laurie recommends Kelby Carr’s eBook, Mom Blog SEO as a great way to drive traffic to your blog.
2. Treat your blog like a business. Think like a business person. Have one main purpose. If you solve a problem, you will make money! Know your limitations and work toward your strengths. Find a way that you can take something you love and make money at it.
- Ophra.com – One page business plan
- Small Business Checklist for Bloggers – SavvyBlogging.com
3. Always expect a pay-off for your efforts. Don’t spend time, money, or effort on things that don’t pay a return. Identify the few critical tasks that contribute most to income. Schedule these with short and clear deadlines. Think about how much your blog costs you a day in time and money. Pay-offs:
- Higher Traffic
- Recognition
- Money
- Experience
Cut items out that don’t pay off in one of the categories above. Get rid of email subscriptions, etc that don’t help you. Laurie cut out Twitter because it was taking a lot of time and didn’t have a pay off.
4. Work smarter, not harder! Multiply your strengths and outsource the rest. Never underestimate the person sitting next to you – collaborate with people who are different from you and have different skill sets.
- Do your most important task first
- Spend your 1st hour intentionally working
- Have a 12 month editorial calendar
- Have office hours
- Maintain no-technology hours
- Only read email 2x a day
- Use social media management tools like HootSuite to schedule image posts.
- Sync Google Calendars with your family
- Use alarms on your phone
- Have 3 month goals & track them in Google Docks
5. Establish an end game and define yourself. Make a long term plan. Where do you want to be in 3 years?
6. Never second-guess a fun idea. If you have a crazy idea and it is completely bonkers, do it.
7. You’re only as good as the company you keep. Surround yourself with supportive people. If someone is bringing you down, get away! Join a closed facebook group that is negativity free. Barter advertising! Cross-promote! Be active in one another’s community.
The loudest voice is not always right. Listen to the people that are making money. Listen to the people who are already doing what you want to do. Avoid blog envy! When one person succeeds, we all succeed.
8. Teach people how to treat you. Remember “your problem is not my problem”. Make people tell you what they want and what their parameters.
9. Reward, don’t bribe. Give people something fun/free and all the sudden your subscribers will shoot up. ebook, printable, how-to guide, etc…
10. Branding, baby! Branding is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room. Ask your readers, ask your friends, “What do you think I am?” Find out how other people describe you.
Bonus Tip: Brand Every Blog post – First 3 sentences: explain what the reader can expect from the beginning, middle, and end of your blog post. Link to other posts within your blog in those first 3 sentences using relevant keywords as the link. Brand Imaging: add text, url or logo to your image. Use PicMonkey.com (it’s free). Footer: Put a footer with your profile picture, your blog button, RSS Feed, ebook, or Facebook Freebie. That way if people steal (scrape) your content, it’s still branded as yours.
This session is being blogged to you live by Fawn Rechkemmer, who blogs at Instead of the Dishes. Special thanks to Petit Jean Meats for sponsoring Fawn’s attendance at Bloggy Boot Camp. Blogging is better with Bacon!
Other Bloggy Boot Camp Session Posts:
- What You Really Need to Know About Blog Design
- Success in eBooks
- Business of Blogging
- Blogging About Your Town: What to do with Local Content
- Growing Your Traffic
- Authenticity is Magnetic: Developing a Unique Voice and Making a Space for Yourself
- Bloggy Boot Camp: The Recap