Tag: content

We Want YOU to Write for Arkansas Women Bloggers

We want YOU to write for Arkansas Women Bloggers!

One of the easiest ways for you to get involved in the Arkansas Women Bloggers community is to write for us.  We have said this before but I want to remind you that ARWB is about YOU, our members. Our goal is to provide a community where you can connect with other like-minded women.  We want you reading each other’s blogs and a great way to let everyone learn about you and your blog is to write a feature article for us!  Hopefully we can offer some answers to the questions you may be having about writing for ARWB.

Why should I write for ARWB?

In every article you write for Arkansas Women Bloggers we will provide a short bio of you along with links back to your blog.  Many ARWB readers will click through to your blog.  This helps to build your personal readership.

Guest writing for another blog can also help to build your writing skills.  When I (Julie) began guest posting on other blogs I brought my writing to a whole new level.  I became more aware of my ‘voice’ and more aware of my writing style.  I wanted my pieces to be their absolute best.  This
new found quest for ‘perfection’ carried over into my own blog and I found myself writing more meaningful pieces all around.

What can I write about?

Write about what you love. You don’t have to change your style or your preferred genre to write for us.  Write in your own voice, make it
authentic.  We are open to myriad topics but will also provide you with an editorial topic each month to help you get started.  We intentionally leave the topics slightly vague to allow you to interpret it in your own way.  You can find the list of upcoming topics in the sidebar of our website.

Upcoming editorial topics:

Handmade Holiday (December)
New Year, New You (January)
Love Story (February)

Other topics you might consider:

Photography Tips
How-to’s and Tutorials
Great Blogging Tips
Cool Apps
And many more!

Can I publish something I have written before?

We’ve done some research on SEO and how Google and other search engines rank pages.  It turns out that duplicate content is really detrimental to BOTH pages on which the content appears.  Since our goal is to drive traffic TO your blog we have made the decision not to post duplicate content.  We will ask you to refrain from posting the content you submit on ARWB on your own blog or in any other online source.  However, each Wednesday will be Retro Wednesday on ARWB.  We will provide links to your favorite posts for others to enjoy.

How can I submit a Guest Post or a link for Retro Wednesday?

Before submitting a post, please check out our Guest Post Guidelines.  Everything you need to know is outlined there.  Once you have
completed the checklist you can email guest posts to Julie@arkansaswomenbloggers.com with the words ‘Guest Post Submission’ in the subject line.

If you would like to submit a post for our Retro Wednesday feature please email a short excerpt (300 characters or less) along with a link
to the post to Julie@arkansaswomenbloggers.com with “Retro Wednesday” in the subject line. Please be sure to also include your name and blog title. Please note that we will keep an ongoing list of Retro Wednesday posts and may not be able to notify you regarding the specific day on
which your link will appear.

Please help grow our community by writing a guest post for us! Any questions can be directed to Julie@arkansaswomenbloggers or any of our
other lovely ladies.